With all his bones crushed, Bowen couldn't move an inch. He was not even able to throw Gia's pills into his mouth. The system still showed 16 minutes 40 seconds for the license activation, without any mercy. Bowen's mind urged him to do something. No, it was the mind of William, the mind of a genius scientist from Earth who had won through all odds. His eyes only thought of the next move, even in that life-threatening situation.

He quickly looked through his status and found a skill that he had never used before. That skill had been with him for a long time, but the activation probability was so small that he didn't take any risks until now.

"Screw the risks!" he thought. If he didn't use it now, he would die and never get a chance to try it out. Bowen's bone blade came out gently, flying calmly above his head. At the same time, the monster saw its enemy still clinging to life. With a menacing growl, it was ready to pounce on Bowen.