Looking at the status bowen was very satisfied. It may look like little few additions to his reaper mode but bowen who has experienced it first hand knew how useful these upgrades were.

The +50 to all of his stat ment he will have average of atleast 100 points in each. And it was the stat of a B- ranker on average. 

Just this was enough to die for. More than anything the new skill divine chains. It should be ablessing. Anything named divine is not simple as it seems. He knew it very well. Hence even that passive skill made him jump up in joy. Lastly the main thing he was yearning so far. The cool down period is decreased at the same time he could be in reaper mode for 10 .woow.isn't this the best gift he had gotten so far. 

Yes! He threw his fist in air. He didn't know who his next target wa he had to finish matters of mana vein and starfall problem soon before he get into his next reaper moe.