With a casual stroll of ten minutes, Bowen and Shira reached the bustling evening market in Heda. Just like Matt said, there were many things that Bowen hadn't seen in Aswalt or Fendrie. The first thing that caught his eye was the perfume store—something he hadn't encountered since reincarnating in Grimesphere. Next to it was a store that sold exotic crop seeds.

The market overflowed with fresh produce, both local and imported. Elves, horned races, species with tails, and people with animal features mingled with the majority of humans. Most of these other races were either shop owners or wholesale merchants.

"Wow, it's wonderful, right?" asked Shira, dazed.

"Seems like it's true. The north of Yuria is more advanced than the south. Maybe it's because people from outside Yuria come here often," Bowen mused.