This is starfall? Muttered xander unconsciously surprised. 

Such grandiose view of the city gate as well the tight security the country had invested in was a spectacular scene for any one from the rural sides of yuria like xander shira and bowen. They had never seen even a weyren in person not to mention a real dragonling carrying a dragon's blood. And in front of them were the mighty wyrens just used like a security dog behind the gates. Just this was enough evidence to prove how rich and prosperous starfall was. 

"What's the matter general ?" i have brought guests of third prince. Didn't you receive the message? Shouted matt loud enough for the person on the red dragonling to hear. 

The person he referred to as general seemed to be the leader of the security team. 

Why let everyone but block their path only ? 

"Iam sorry lord advisor. You already know the rules. No sprit beast can fly past this area.