I was nineteen at the time and still living with my Mom. To be honest, I don't know who my father is. You might say that my mother likes to sleep around. I asked one time who my Dad might be. My Mom sheepishly said she wasn't sure. My mother tends to have lots of men fucking her. They hang around long enough to get a piece of ass and then they vanish.

Mom doesn't think anything about walking around our house in her bra and panties. I guess I am supposed to just ignore that. I will say one thing. Mom has these large breasts. Even with a bra on her tits hang down on her chest. This was one Saturday and my Mom had showered and was going out to shop. Again she had on just her bra and panties. I could see her pubes showing outside the edges of her panties.

I couldn't take it any longer. I had been so horny lately. I walked into my Mom's bedroom. She turned around to see what I wanted.

"What's wrong Scott?" She asked me.

I reached out and took hold of her panties. I nearly tore them from her body. I thought she might be shocked. It was if she had been expecting it. I didn't need to remove her bra. Mom reached back and unsnapped it. There was my mother standing completely naked in front of me. I knew what I had to do. I quickly pulled my clothes off. Mom looked down to see my fat dick dangling between my legs.

I moved my Mom over to the bed and she got onto her back. I dove in between her legs and started to lap up and down her slit. Mom put her hands on the back of my head and she urged me on.

"Oh fuck Scott, eat me out!" She cried.

My face was soon coated with my mother's juices. I was like a crazed person who never had sex before. I pushed a finger into my mother's hole. It felt so hot. Mom clamped down around my digit as I ate her out. I stopped briefly and my Mom was panting like a dog. I wanted more than just oral sex with my mother. I got to my knees. My dick was already raging hard. I rubbed my mushroom across her folds and I pushed in.

Mom arched her back and let out this loud moan. I pushed in and held my cock in place. I could feel my mother's pussy muscles grabbing at my dick. I pulled out almost all the way and then slammed my shaft all the way in. I kept repeating that. I was bringing my mother to a hot boil. Her large tits were jiggling around on her chest.

"Fuck me hard Scott." She kept repeating.

Our pubic mounds were rubbing against each other. I could hear the sound of my low hanging balls slapping against Mom's ass. Mom was having some orgasms. Her pussy muscles were like a vise around my shaft. I want to say that we fucked for hours but that wasn't the case. Maybe it was because I was fucking my mother. I was able to hold out for maybe a half hour.

I started to feel the urge to let go. I didn't even tell my mother I was close. I grunted a few times and then squirted my hot seed into my Mom's body. I looked at her face and her eyes got big. She put her hands on my waist and she held on. Mom's body was shaking as I flooded her tummy with my baby cum. I had a lot stored up that day. It seemed like I shot geyser after geyser into my Mom's belly.

Eventually I emptied out. I pulled my spent pecker out. Wads of my cream came dribbling out from my mother's gash. We both were panting like a couple of dogs. I fell back onto the bed next to my mother's body.

"I was wondering when you might take my pussy like that," she said.

I guess Mom was hoping that one day we would have sex together. After we got calmed down we took a shower. There wasn't more sex in the tub but Mom placed her hands on the shower wall. I rubbed my dick up and down her ass crack. I might have shot a small stream of cum on her backside. That was the beginning of our lovemaking.

My Mom was like a cheap whore in bed. I would get on my back and Mom would surround my dick with her big titties. I would slide my prick between her cleavage. When I was hard Mom would mount me. My mushroom head would meet her pussy lips. I put my hands on her hips and then I entered her hot tunnel. Mom would do most of the work. She would slide up and down my erect pole. I loved to reach up and cup her tits. Her nipples were enormous. I would pull on the tips and make my Mom scream out in ecstasy.

Sometimes my dick would get so sore from fucking my mother. She seemed to need cock all the time. Thank God I was a young guy. My cum reservoir was normally full most days. Mom did tell me she was taking birth control pills. i always fucked her with my bare cock.

I do have this fantasy. I picture my Mom's growing big from my baby seed. I haven't told my Mom this. I do wonder what she might think about me seeding her pussy for real. For now we have endless sex and my Mom doesn't need any other man but me.