Chapter 2: Ballroom Party Goes Wrong.

Have you ever gotten a makeover and then when you see yourself in the mirror you'd be like "whoa", that was exactly how I was feeling right now. After spending my morning and afternoon preparing for a stupid ball, I finally stood in front of the mirror looking like what my friend Kate would call: hot and absolutely breathtaking, I know what you might be thinking and yeah she's awesome.

I was dressed in a black sequin dress that reached my knee, one of the arms flowed down to my wrist and the other was sleeveless with silver highlights, my long maroon hair was plaited in a fish tail and was adorned with a silver clip, some of you might think is it suitable for a ball? But I didn't care, I was able to convince Rachael into allowing me choose the dress and now she has to deal with my mom's insult when she sees me at the party (that was her business).

I complimented my look with a silver purse and shoe along with a silver necklace with a diamond pendant and a silver bracelet, I just applied powder and nude lipstick (I am not a fan of make-up). With a final look at the mirror, I smiled confidently as if saying what could go wrong? But I should've known better after all I am Jasmine Brown, nothing ever goes right.

My happiness was short-lived because the next minute Rachael entered the room and told me that my parents were outside and that I was going to ride with them. Did I mention  that we don't get along? Well let's watch and see.


You know, I envy those of you that has a favorite between Mom or Dad because as for me, I was the unluckiest in the world, both of them were the worst parents to ever grace the surface of the earth. When I entered our Limousine, (I'm glad they chose it at least I can move away from them, I wouldn't want to be choked up  with my mom in the backseat) the first thing that welcomed me was dad's scowling face not that I wasn't used to it but it seemed more profound today, he was never the type to speak much but trust my mom.

"What the hell are you wearing?" She spat hold on did she just curse? my, my, what happened to refined ladies don't use uncouth languages? "where's Rachael, this is not the dress I told her to pick for you" "I chose the dress, it wasn't Rachael" I said calmly and I could swear I heard dad mutter "typical" but I decided to ignore him "well you can't go to the ball dressed like some...."incongruous lady?" I finished trying not to get hurt "Get back inside, I'll place an order and you'll change your outfit" she said firmly and I snorted "mom, bad enough that I have to go to a ball against my will, I'm not going to have you dictate for me what I'll wear.

If you're not okay with my outfit, then I guess I'll have to go in and change to go to the Cinema" I crossed my arms and gave her a look as if saying I'm not changing my dress, deal with it "if you don't change your outfit, I'm going to take away your orphanage" I had waited for her to say it and guess what? I had a reply for her "fine then, take away my orphanage and I'm afraid I'll have to go your stupid boring women's socialite meeting and announce to them that my mom which is their leader does not care about the homeless children, I think I still have a membership card right?" her face turned bright red from anger but she just turned head to the window and pretended as if I didn't exist and I did the same.

After a while..... "Mrs. Bryan is a well respected woman and it's her welcome party from Fin -" "mom already told me" how great, he is seeing me for the first time in months and the first statement that out from his mouth is this? And he calls himself my father, my life is a joke " anyways, we're hoping she's going to take a liking in you and train you personally. You have no idea how much of a honor it is so don't mess it up, if she agrees you'll become a governess in a few months" his tone had an hard edge "but I've told you, I don't want to become a governess, I want to become a computer scientist don't you get that" "that career choice is not suitable for a lady" mom countered

"I'm 19 mom, you can't dictate my choice of career for me" I stated the obvious "oh but I can!" "Oh but you can't!" I shouted and the car screeched to a halt so i guessed we had reached the party.

"Do not shout at your mother" dad bellowed "mom, you said you can dictate what I'll study right? Well, FYKI ( for your kind information) I'd rather die than waste my entire life looking for jobs, don't you guys get it, I don't want to be under anybody, I want to have my own technology company. And dad, you said that I shouldn't mess things up, well you seem to have forgotten the kind of daughter you have, you have forgotten that spoiling and messing up things is my hobby. See you inside the party" with that, I got out of the car and entered the venue.

The venue was pretty big and had a lovely decor. Mrs. Bryan must love flowers because there were bits and bobs of flowers everywhere. The white walls were decorated with red rose flowers, the high ceiling had a rose gold chandelier hanging from it, the chairs were white and red and the stage was red with white flower prints Gee is this a valentine party? I shuddered, I really hate that color.

Well I think you'd agree with me if you accidentally enter your dad's lab and get spilled with a red chemical that changes your life. The party went smooth for the first half that even I started thinking nothing could go wrong, but I think I've mentioned that I have cursed luck. Anyways, I was about to plug in my headphones and start listening to my favorite playlist when a woman sat next to me at the bar. I looked at her and she regarded me a look as if saying "can't you greet?" "Hi" I said simply, she huffed then introduced herself "I'm Mariah Rodriguez, an attendant to Mrs. Bryan" she gauged my reaction, was I supposed to be impressed? "Okay, what do you want Mariah Rodriguez the attendant?" I asked turning my attention back to my phone. She scowled at me "Mrs. Bryan requires your presence" "why?" She didn't reply she just turned on her heel and motioned for me to follow her, how rude. I contemplated on sitting here and enjoying my red wine but I met mom's eye and she gave me a warning look. Oh God, what I've I gotten myself into?