Chapter 9: Crazy Lady.

Keira's POV.

Jeez, my brother is so dumb. Okay, check it out, you come to the warehouse, notice shadows moving and the next thing that comes to your mind is to attack, who does that?

I mean, he almost broke her spine and if that club had it her on the head, he would've been charged for attempted murder.

And I must say, the lady has some pretty sharp nails, Kyle had some minor scratches on his body but the one that took the trophy was a nasty gash on his left arm that he may have gotten when he fell down.

The lady finally stopped then stood up wincing, immediately a small girl I hadn't noticed before ran up to the lady and started inspecting her with a worried look on her face. Awwn how cute, I bent down to talk to her, I have always had a soft spot for little children especially the cute ones.

"Hello, my name is Keira, what's your name angel?" she glared at me, okay maybe she is not that much of an angel. "what did you two do to my sister?" she said her eyes darting between I and Kyle "the question should be who are you guys and what her you doing here? and also look at what your sister did to me?" Kyle spat in anger "Robertson" the lady muttered " 'scuse me?"

"You guys are Robertsons" she sighed "how do you know that?" I asked confused, it's not like it's written on our faces or something, or is it?

I checked my face just to be sure, I don't trust Kyle after all it's not more than what he could do. I remember when we were in fifth grade, I walked into the school and people started snickering, it was until lunch that of my friends Paula was nice enough to tell me that there was something on my face. I went to the bathroom to check the mirror and guess what was written on my forehead, in bold red ink, the word: DOOFUS was boldly written. I challenged Kyle that day and all he could do was laugh and embarrass me more. Thinking about this I glared at him, I mean I would never forgive him for it. He caught my eyes and signed to me in ASL: what did I do? but I decided to ignore him.

"It's obvious, only a Robertson would have similar characteristics with a Brown" she scowled then turned to the small girl "Xiao Mei, let's go, well find somewhere else to stay for the night" So that's her name, Xiao Mei, how cute.

"You could stay with us, we'll take you with us" I said without even thinking "seriously?" she arched an eyebrow "yeah, seriously?" Kyle turned to me and I gave him the stink eye, so unsympathetic.

"Keira remember we still have to talk about the plan to infiltrate the Enriques ...." The lady cut him off "did you just say the Enriques?" "yeah do you know them?" "know them?" she scoffed "they're monsters and what do you want with them? kids like you shouldn't be involving yourselves in matters like this" she said calmly which reminded me of Aunt Sally, she was so calm, if a building was about to fall on her head she wouldn't even break a sweat. Gosh I miss her so much.

"Kids? then what are you, you look no higher than 16" Kyle was the first to respond "16? seriously, how do I look like 16 to you?" she hissed "yeah it's more like 14" she looked like she was going to explode. I poked him in the ribs "don't mind Kyle, he's being insensitive, what do you have with the Enriques?" her gaze darkened, she suddenly looked so gloomy that I had to take a step back "they killed my sister" she said finally "wait a minute, does your sister happen to be Emily Brown?" She gasped "do you know her?" I turned to Kyle curiously, he has never mentioned that name before.

"well, when I hacked into their system and started snooping around I found a picture of a lady with the name Emily Brown Enrique. According to what I found out about her, she married the young master of the Enriques and died a few months after. What got me curious was that the picture was taken two days ago and she was said to have been dead about a year ago" He explained I could swear that the lady looked like she was about to break down. "she's... she's alive" she breathed shakily.

"she's alive" Xiao Mei also said "the sister you were talking about?" "yes, she's the one" "how did you find out though? I mean I've tried every possible means to hack into their system since she died but even with my skills, I haven't been able to so how did you do it?" she asked pacing, I could already see the gears in her head turning.

"it was easy, I mean not to brag I have the brain of Albert Einstein so yeah, like I said it was a piece of cake" Kyle bragged "okay, slow down there munchi, there's no need to be all Zeus about it. I already know and as you can see, I'm not any less" she pointed to her face and that was when I realized that she had two different eye colours, her left eye is Amber with gold flecks, and the second one was strangely captivating, somewhere between gray and blue.

I looked at my brother, I'd always been kinda jealous that he looks so different (don't tell him I said so though, because if he knows, I'd never hear the last of it) the only difference is that instead of his left eye having gold flecks, it had blue flecks but you'd never actually see the difference if you don't look closer. And just like Kyle, near her scalp there were lines like crack fragments surrounding her face, a mixture of blue and light gold giving her a mysterious, faint but dangerous glow around her face and boy, believe me or not that thing glows in the dark and it can be quite nerve racking watching a movie with Kyle and his face is all over the place.

"since you are also looking for your sister and you don't have a place to stay, how about you come home with us?" I offered again. "without your mom's permission? Robertsons and Browns are not exactly friends" she said hesitantly "nah, never mind, our mom is cool" Kyle said ruffling the hair of Xiao Mei who has apparently warmed up to him.

"Xiao Mei, what do you think?" she turned to the little girl. "I don't know about that though, are we going to be staying with her?" she asked looking at me and if I say that I'm not hurt, it's a total lie. "it's okay, I live with her also" Kyle said winking at me "okay then, I'm okay with it" seriously? she's okay with it because of Kyle? Unbelievable!

"Well then, we'll go" the lady finally said and that reminds me, I'm kind of tired of calling her lady. "that reminds me, you haven't told us your name" "Jasmine" she said curtly and I smiled brightly for the first time today (just to be clear it's because Kyle annoys me a lot) "awwn my favorite flower" I turned to Kyle and he rolled his eyes (such an hater).

"Are we going now or what?" Kyle asked already impatient.

"Fine, let's go".