Bonus Chapter: A Tale For Bahamas (Prologue).


Thank you guys so much for your love and support, here's a bonus chapter for your encouragement 💞

A sneak peak of the second book in the series. Read and Enjoy!!

Prologue: Watch your back, I'll be back.

Laura's POV.

"Finally, I've caught up with you haven't I, just like the popular saying: you can run all you want but you can never outrun your shadow" he sneered (which is not that much of a good sight by the way). "You have always seemed to impossible to catch but here you are looking all pathetic and helpless." he paused fixing me with a look of pure menace "and I must say, you are pretty good at hiding, so good that even I couldn't find you for a long time. I am impressed" he turned to my father with a look of disgust before taking out a polish P-83 Wanad and stroking it gently like a priced antique possession. Yeah, I know what you might be thinking, who in heaven's sake is *he* but to tell you what, I myself don't know. Okay, picture this, you're sitting at your dining table eating and chatting with your parents and little sister when suddenly 5 men barge in. And when I say barge, I mean barge because they literally busted our front door open. They looked like your typical men in black, only blacker (if that's even a thing) they were clad in black pants, black shirts and a coat, well polished black leather shoes and want can they use to complete their black look? well you guessed it, black shades and a top hat. They tied us to the dining chairs we were sitting on and arranged us in a perfect square facing each other.

My little sister got scared and started crying 'little wimp, so easily frightened' I thought weighing my options, it was evident we were likely not going to make it so it was either I found out the truth before I died or I died without finding out why I died which is not on my tab right now. With that thought in mind, I decided to ask what the hell was really going on "who are you? and what do you want from us? we're good people and would never cause any trouble" I said trying to look confident. He removed his shades and bent down to look at me (although I immediately preferred him with it on, I mean his eyes are one of the most frightening I've ever seen, to make it worse they were swollen and half closed, it was as if someone poured boiling oil on his face). "I am you and your family's DOOM, as for what I want, its just four words: TO END YOU ALL" wow, he went straight to the point.

He turned to my father "will you tell them yourself or you want me to do the honors?" he said coldly as if my dad's face was irritating him. "tell us what Josep?, what is he talking about?" mom finally spoke up, she has not breathed a word since Men-in-black here showed up. Dad was silent for a few minutes before he finally spoke up "it all happened a while ago when i went on a business trip to Kenya, I met a man at a bar one evening when I went to get a drink and we started talking, a shot of tequila turned to two shots and two shots turned to three shots, I lost count and downed so many shots of different drinks that I had never tasted before that my head started spinning in no time. I was planning to head to the hotel in my poor condition when the man suddenly stopped me and asked me a question" he paused "I know the question might sound stupid but at that time, I was loosing my mind and it seemed like the only opportunity to lament to someone so I took it." "what question did he ask you dad?" I interrupted him "He asked me in a thick Russian accent, are you okay?" and just like that, like a spell it hit me with full force and before I could control myself, I loosened up everything that had been bottled up inside me and couldn't stop talking for hours.

Unknown to me that I was talking to the wrong person, I confided with him my deepest secret and he took advantage of it. I blacked out during our discussion and when I woke up, I found myself tied to a chair and then the man walked in flanked to my greatest surprise by two ladies. He told me he wasn't planning to hurt me as long as I cooperated and did everything he told me. I refused naturally but then he played a voice note that contained everything I said the other night and that was when I knew that I was in trouble. He threatened to air it on every media platform and there was nothing, absolutely nothing that I could do because my voice was loud and clear in the voice note. Plus in that voice note was sensitive information that must not be leaked. So I agreed" his voice broke, I could have sworn he was on the verge of tears. "I didn't want to do it, I swear I didn't want to do it but I had to for us, for our name, for your future. And ever since then, I hadn't had good sleep. There is no day that passes that I don't think of what I did..." his voice failed him and I started tearing up also (you guessed it, I'm not the strongest emotionally). "okay, that's it, I'm getting tired of all this family talk, I think what your father is trying to say is that he helped a bunch of criminals defraud me of everything I have and ever worked for, your father ruined me and my family and he really thought that I would allow you to live a peaceful life?" he laughed "that must be the biggest joke of the century" "how did my dad ruin your family?" I asked the weird looking bitter man.

"since I'm in such a good mood today, I'll explain. After I went bankrupt my only son developed a rare disease and needed to be operated on, I went to so many places, to source for enough money for the operation but to no avail. My son later died and well..." he sighed, he looked so sad that I pitied him for a second (just a second). "to cut the long story short, the shock killed my wife and when my wife's mom found out, she locked me up blaming me for the death of her daughter, afterall she was not in support of our marriage. When my mom heard that I was in detention and likely to face a jail term, she developed a heart attack and died before she got to the hospital. My dad died a few months later because he couldn't live without my mom. Does that answer your question?" "pretty much" I said my voice now low.

"well, it's been fun talking to you but I need to finish this" he pointed the gun at my dad and shot him in the head before I could finish shouting "Nooooo!" my mom followed then my sister. Well, you know the rest BANG!

Author's note: That's the end of the prologue, watch out for the next bonus chapter. Thanks for the love & support ❣️