Chapter 17: Ridiculed.

Jasmine's POV.

I walked out, well, to be honest, I stormed out. Head banging, nose flaring, looking like I could committ murder, I mean, how could she do this to me? to us even? Nope, I am not going to think about all of that: Positive vibes, positive vibes, I kept on chanting amisdt deep breaths. And after a few minutes I hissed, realizing just how pointless the whole thing was, exercises like that, are for people with minimal anger issues, not people like us that need to punch something before we can feel better.

"uh, Jasmine?" I stopped abruptly, realizing with a frown that I was about to hit a trash can. Turns out it's Laura, at least that's what she said her name was "I noticed you're a bit upset?" she asked a little skeptical like she was trying to be careful "and your coming is supposed to make me feel better?" "okay that was harsh, I'm sorry" I admitted rubbing my temples. "it's fine, I understand how you feel" she smiled at me, can anyone tell me why the sudden niceness or is there something I'm missing here? "I lost a sibling too, and I'd give anything to have her back, but even at that, I can't imagine how destabilized I'll be if she just pops back in to my life" she said.

"you know, we actually conducted a funeral for her" I said closing my eyes to prevent it from watering "without seeing her remains?" she asked incredulously "well, let's just say my parents didn't really care or wanted to get rid of her memory" I said, trying to be as casual as possible. I mean, I wouldn't want to delve into personal matters with an absolute stranger, she might seem nice now, but point still remains that she is a stranger. Or maybe I'm just over thinking things? I groaned inwardly, my mind is such a mess. "They didn't even care that she's their first daughter?" The way she said it like it was the most absurd thing she has ever heard, embarrassed me the more. "um, I'm sorry if that might have offended you" she said cautiously, you think? "no, it's fine" I said trying not to meet her eye, and in the process succeeded in making the conversation awkward.

"would you like a bit of insider information about your sister?" really? "You'd do that for me?" at least that would calm me down "of course" she smiled brightly "would you prefer we talk in a restaurant or something? I mean, we can't keep talking on the road" she suggested "sure, any thing's fine" I said with a shrug. "this way then, I know a cozy cafe around this area" "okay" was my short reply before following her down a narrow path.

Henry's POV.

"where are you hiding my daughter" Karen loomed over me, glaring at me, I scoffed before speaking in the most offensive tone I could muster "nice try Karen, that your little glare won't work on me. I'm not one of your staffs that you can intimidate" I said coolly taking a sip of my iced coffee "why are you even allowing him to take a drink?" she lamented talking to one of the officers in the room. "he requested for it ma" he said respectfully, why in the world is he trying to be polite? "and you granted this *request* because?" she asked, the officer stared at me, not knowing what to say, then I decided to answer for him "because I'm Henry Robertson" I said in a duh kind of voice complementing it with a taunting smile.

All of a sudden, a senior officer walked in and said "release the gentleman immediately" awwn, he called me a gentleman, so sweet "what?" Karen shouted, the officer didn't spare her a glance "authority from above" he said simply before walking out of the room. Nice, perfect, I like the way he shunned her, I passed a triumphant look to her, before gracefully exiting the room. Underline the word gracefully, then imagine how I walked.

Jasmine's POV.

"well, well, well, who do we have here?" I turned back, then almost wretched when I saw my worst enemy standing before me, as gracious as ever. Damn! why does she have to be so pretty, and when I say pretty, I mean never-had-to-use-a-snapchat-filter-in-her-life kind of pretty. "surprised to see you here Beulah" I said forcing a smile "funny how I was about to say the same thing, Lavender" there's that tone that always seemed to provoke me, "well, I guess I'll see you around" I said having had enough of her choking presence "just a minute Lavender" she called out stopping me in my tracks "how does it feel?" "Excuse me?" how does what feel? "oh, my bad, let me expatiate, I heard about what happened at Mrs. Bryan's welcoming party" she smiled as if savouring a memory "which part?" I crossed my arms "The part where you poured wine on my mom? ring any bells?" her mom?, wait a whole minute, Mrs. Phillips is her mom? "you know, she was really mad that you stained her expensive gown, not that you would understand anyway, you've never touched one before" she raised her voice up a notch as if hellbent on embarrassing me.

"how did you even get into that party in the first place? it's for the rich and classy, not for people like you" she cast me a mocking look, by now people were already looking at us. That's intentional on my part, at my old school, no one really knows I'm a Brown, as in The Browns, they just assumed I was a coincidence bearing the same name as the prestigious Browns, and I didn't bother to debunk the rumor. Hence, the insults. "it's so annoying that a filth like you manages to manipulate yourself in the high class" "do not you dare call me.." I started only to be cut off rudely "hold it, I'm not done talking, anyway, I promised to avenge her beautiful dress, which is why you won't be offended by my actions" what was she planning to do?

Well, I got my answer when the next minute, I was dripping fruit punch, yeah, you heard right, she emptied a glass of juice on my heard. I gasped in shock, my cheeks turning crimson from embarrassment. Say something, do something, I kept telling myself, but I couldn't, I was transfixed, what is wrong with me? why can't I defend myself? "what a pity" Beulah said, walking out on me, leaving me there, ashamed to even lift my head.

Never have I ever been so ridiculed.