Chapter 23: Oh no!

Kyle's POV.

"Kyle!" mom called from the kitchen "yes, mom" I answered, getting up from the comfort of my bed to grab my hoodie, it's a cold morning and as usual I'm shivering from the excess cold. I stepped into the kitchen and met mom sitting on the stable with her hand under her chin, she smiled when she saw me then tapped the chair next to her.

I slid in next to her putting my face in the nape of her warm neck, and in return, she cradled my head "how are you feeling now?" she asked softly and instead of replying I showed her my hands shaking under her thick grey gloves. She sighed softly, looking as worried as she always does whenever she saw me saw me like on a cold morning "do you want to go to the hospital?" another regular question, and then as usual, I shook my head, opposing.

"but you're shivering real bad today, it's not usually this bad" she spoke again in that soothing voice, and this time I looked up to meet her eyes "mom it's winter, it's inevitable, you can't keep taking me to the hospital every morning through out winter" I said "okay, how about I tell Henry to call the family doctor to come check you up, and see if there's something he can do about it"

She suggested and I chuckled softly, throughout the 16 years of my life, the family doctor has not been able to do something about it, and it won't be any different this time. But I agreed anyway, knowing she'll feel better if there's a professional around "is dad back?" I asked in a low voice and she shook her head reaching for her cellphone to give him a call.

Ever since Jasmine has gone missing, dad has been making phone calls and meeting with some of his friends who also run security agencies, if their men have gotten a whiff of Jasmine or someone resembling her, and so far, throughout out the week there has been barely any positive feedback.

"uh, mom" Keira entered the kitchen staring at something in her hand "what's that honey?" mom asked "the daily newspaper just arrived" she replied raising it up "just put it on the table" mom said crinkling her nose, she hates news, especially the type dad reads. "but when I picked it up, I saw this letter under it" she finished placing a red letter on the table, with a golden symbol and the letters *UAP* written under it in gold.

Jasmine's POV.

The door swung open and my eyes snapped open immediately, suddenly aware that I'm the only one in the room and the rest of the girls have gone for their early morning training. I heard footsteps approaching my bed and instinctively reached for the pocket knife that Laura had graciously given to me before we departed, I snapped it open and got up gently holding it protectively in front of me "what are you, scared?" I heard a sinister voice and hissed at the familiarity but still held the knife.

He turned on the light switch and I scowled at the sight of Carl's annoying face walking towards me "no need, I don't hurt weak and defenseless little girls" he eyed me "let's not get too cocky, I think your face will disagree with the weak and defenseless part" I smirked enjoying how his face darkened when he reached out to touch one of the scars my fingernails gifted to him "you're enjoying this aren't you?" he glared at me.

"what do you want?" I asked harshly "no need to start feeling important, it's not my choice to be here" he said leaning on the bunk just before mine "there are people who just arrived, we thought you might want to see them". I raised an eyebrow "and why would I want to see them?" I asked the most obvious question "don't ask me stupid questions, it's either you come or you stay where you are" he said then made his way out of the room.

I hesitated for a few seconds before heading out after him. The UAF headquarters is located in Kingston in pretence of a two storey building painted in warm brown and the main building itself located underground. With the few days I've spent here, I've come to a realization that the council are like the government around here, with a total of 26 members worldwide.

This is the strongest hold of the arites round the globe, and as such is home to the leaders of the UAF, which includes: Rosa, Chen (the old man with the calm voice who is apparently Chinese) and that Brat (I'm sure you know who I mean when I say brat). And according to Carla and her friends, who are always gossiping about one thing or the other, Carl is a big deal around here (for some reason), little wonder they seem to indulge his rudeness.

I made my way out of the residential area, then past the training grounds where I could see a few guys not older than my age practicing, and reached the area where lessons and tests were conducted before taking the back door to where the visitors area is located between the top building and the underground space.

I entered the room and immediately made out 5 figures sitting on waiting chairs farther inside, I approached and almost jumped in glee when I recognized the faces of: Mr and Mrs Robertson, Kyle and Keira, then finally, Mei "Mei" I shrieked picking her off the floor and twirling her around. She giggled wrapping her stubby arms around my neck, she seems to have added weight and I had to put her down almost immediately to save my throbbing arms.

"sir and ma" I greeted the couple and in response Rachael stood up and enveloped me in a tight hug while Henry winked at me "how are you darling? we were so worried" she said tilting my head as if looking for any scratches "I'm fine ma" "and here we were worried that they might have put you in a dark room where all you do is eat mice and rats, meanwhile you were out here getting chubby".

Kyle's smug voice sounded and I stuck my tongue out at him "I did not put on weight" I defended feeling actually offended "ignore him" Keira said smiling at me, she had this wide grin on her face that I couldn't help but tease "what's with the huge smile, did you win a jackpot or something?" "don't mind her, ever since they sent the letter she's been under some kind of illusion of this camp being some kind of magical camp like the one Percy Jackson attended" he rolled his eyes and I couldn't help but laugh. "how big is it?" she asked peering out the window "very" I replied, and a sound behind us interrupted our conversation.

I looked beside us and saw Rosa, Chen and Carl, Chen seemed to be the one who cleared his throat. "I see you are happy to see them and won't carry out the threat of bringing down the building" I blushed bashfully noticing a hint of a smile on the old man's face "the boy will stay, because he is an arite" Rosa said gently, nodding a little to attract Henry and Rachael's presence. "great, so are we bringing our luggage or what?"

It was Keira who spoke and I bit my lip noticing the use of *the boy* by Rosa and not the children. "We?" Carl, being the jerk that he is asked intentionally "yes, the both of us" she gestured to her and Kyle. Carl feigned and apologetic look "only the boy actually, you can't stay, non-arites are not allowed" "what?" Keira exclaimed, the smile draining from her face.