Chapter 25: Spies.

Jasmine's POV.

The next week came and went in a flash, training commenced after Kyle and Keira's registration, and trust me, I haven't been pushed so hard in my entire life. And I also made new discoveries, like the funny fact that an ambingar can (just like the meaning implies) bring down a building with the right amount of anger and motivation, both of which I possess abundantly and I actually got to try it out after this epic fight with the council. They kept insisting that I join the rest of the girls in their so called *training* and said unless I give them a reason to do so, I would never be allowed to join the protectors, then when I (again) threatened to bring down the building, hoping it would get me there, they locked me up, can you imagine that?

To cut the long story short, after that I had gotten really upset and held the prison bar tightly, hoping it would collapse, and as if it was listening, the prison came crashing down, almost burying me, leading to the escape of the other four prisoners (which they are still trying to recapture, thankfully, they've gotten three, if not Carl would probably have taken my head by now). When the council rushed to the scene, they had wide eyes when they saw the destruction I had created (not that I felt remorseful anyway), and I just sat down on the pile of blocks, leg crossed and said smugly "you said I should give you a reason, so, here is your reason" I smirked.

And since then, I've gained respect and now have the permission to train with the protectors (it was either that or I bring down more buildings). And, of course, the isolation has increased, I didn't give two shits as long as I always have Kyle and Keira to talk to, speaking of Kyle and Keira, they are both doing quite well. Keira has joined the research team in doing their boring stuff(not surprising) and Kyle has joined the weapons team, those who forge weapons and build the family's armory.

"lazing on duty?" Carl's smug voice woke me up from my reverie "no, taking a break" we've barely spoken after Kyle and Keira's enrollment, and I'm starting to get the feels that he is avoiding me "oh, why I'm I so surprised that you decided to speak to me today?" I said downing half the contents of the water bottle I held. "meaning?" he asked leaning on the railings next to me "meaning I thought you were, I don't know, probably avoiding me" I shrugged glancing at him briefly "avoiding you?" he chuckled, which marks the first time he'd ever done that "or maybe I was preoccupied with tracking down the prisoners that you let out while trying to prove a point?" oh, how did I forget about that?

"oh" I said simply "so, did you catch them all or just going to have to cut my head off" I mumbled the last one under my breath "yeah I did, I mean, not to brag I am the best at tracking" he said smugly "you literally just finished bragging" I rolled my eyes "yeah, I know, I'm awesome" he grinned and I was this close to smacking him on the face. "hey, break is over, let's get moving" captain Jock (one of the meanest trainers to ever grace the surface of the earth) called out and I groaned, dreading the next phase of the excruciating training.

"come on, let's go, don't be a lazy bone" he said and I glared daggers at him before reluctantly dragging my feet back to the training ground.


About a mile away from UAF HQ, two men walked stealthily down the road, with hoods and nose masks covering most of their faces. They headed for a mini van parked across the street with it's driver and one other man in the process of offloading some groceries out of the van. With quick movements, they walked towards them and placed two white handkerchiefs on their nostrils, forcing them to breath through it and as such, inhale the substance already sprayed on the handkerchiefs. In a split second, the bodies came falling and were caught mid air by the men, who, with maximum stealth, dragged them to a corner and dumped them into a trash can.

An unknown POV.

We took over the truck with no hassle and were soon on our way to where it would all go down, but first, we had to take a detour to a pub, where the other two guys would join us. "hey, no need to be nervous, it would be a piece of cake, just as always" a voice beside me in the van reassured, placing a rough hand on mine that was clutching the wheel. I heaved a deep breath, smiling back, I mean, what would I ever do without him. We stopped at the entrance of a Pub, that was so brightly lit, my eyes ached behind my Photophobic glasses. "do you think they're here?" my partner asked "think? I know they're here" I replied, the cocky side of me resurfacing.

We stepped into the bar and my partner, the one with the keen eyes spoke almost immediately "there" he pointed to the corner of the room where two men sat, downing bottles of bear, I tsked, trying to suppress my hatred for drinkers. Not that they were that difficult to identify though, I mean they were dressed for the occasion.

We approached the table and on getting there, I slammed a logo on the table, notifying them of our presence and without any formalities made my way out of the reeking place, expecting them to be reasonable enough to get the message. That is what the boss wants any way, which is why for each important mission, he appoints four people, one from the South, East, North and West, a group of people who are not supposed to know each other.

I and my friend have been on his stable list for quite a long time and can boast of a few achievements we've made, I mean (Brag alert) I am the best at what I do. And we've had to go through the torture of having to meet and work together with a lot of people, some of which we would have no problem working with, and others which we'll be at loggerheads through out the mission.

"so did you handle the weirdos?" one of them asked slamming the mini van's door "yeah" I replied casually "hey, um come take the wheel, we need to be fast and I'm not feeling really sonic right now" I said to my partner bringing the car to a halt "are you okay" he whispered almost inaudibly as we switched seats "yeah" I replied, I'm not much of a talker "why do we need to be fast? it's not as if they know we're coming" the other spoke slurping down the contents of a bottle of bear, which got him a glare from me.

"the other guys are going to wake up soon" I said checking my watch "you didn't finish them?" he asked and I glared at him again "no, the job is not to kill innocent people" I said then added "throw that bottle out or I'll throw you out" I said calmly, trying to make the threat as friendly as possible "not cool dude" he grumbled throwing the bottle out which hit the road in a loud shattering sound. "the boss must not find out that we had mercy on them, he'll not like it" he spoke again "who's gonna tell him?" I added a bit of an edge to my voice, just to emphasize the point. He gulped and I smiled discretely, basking in the satisfaction.

As the ride went on, the other guys chatted and laughed about random things, while I just sat there, arms crossed dealing with my jumbled emotions at what I'm about to face in a few hours. While they were discussing how to nail the mission, I was thinking about how to sabotage it.