Chapter 28: Escape Plan

Kate's POV.

I approached the detention area stealthily, trying to be as soundless as possible, I'd gone through enough trouble trying to get in, anymore now, would bust the mission and the effort put in it. This is why I hate anything planned by Lawrence, it's always too demanding. When I got in, I slipped a key I'd nicked from a guard and it clicked, allowing me entrance into the dark room.

I was able to make out two figures, one sitting by the side of one wall, and the other huddled in a corner, that I noted with a slight thump in my chest is Lav. So many times during the course of our planning, I often wonder how she would react if she ever found our the truth, I could never be prepared enough for her reaction. Lav is unpredictable, one of the things I like, and hate about her.

The dude in the room, as if sensing my presence, stood up with a jerk and said in a calm voice "who's there?" respect, he isn't even scared "your savior, don't get too excited though, I might just decide to change my mind" I said trying to act a bit serious. He breathed a deep breath and relaxed on the wall "aren't you scared or something?" I was forced to ask. "scared? not at all, your aura exudes a mixture of fear and feigned calmness. Like that of a proud peacock in a lion's den, if anything, you should be the scared one".

I didn't reply (it was the truth anyway), instead I brought out my flash light and switched it on. Typical arites, their faces had given the place a warm glow already. On one side of the wall, the dude sat, meditation style, and snapped his eyes open when he caught sight of the light. Ignoring him, I tapped Lav on the shoulder, who probably thinking it was the dude muttered in a mixture of drowsiness and annoyance "burn in muspellhem Carl" (so that's his name).

I stifled a chuckle, rolling my eyes at Lav's love for mythology, then whispered in the harshest voice I could summon "wake up brat" and she jolted up immediately.

All of a sudden Carl (that was she called him) started speaking "there are two guards protecting the entrance, four patrolling the hall, three on the South leading to the back gate and five leading to the main entrance. I sense a slight vibration, so I guess there are roughly three amingers around the area for additional security." when he finished he opened his eyes and breathed deeply. Lav gave him a look and he said "one of the perks of being a bringer of knowledge". That was when it dawned on me that he is a part of the council.

Every generation, there are three types of arites that are always one each: the ambingar (bringer of chaos), airinger (bringer of peace) and archinger(bringer of knowledge). Carl apparently is a bringer of knowledge, so it's either Lav or Kyle that's an ambingar or airinger (although I have a feeling Lav is probably the bringer of chaos).

I took deep breath, making a mental map of everything Carl said before standig up, shivering a little before regaining my composure. "follow my lead" I said feigning a bit of bravado, "wait" I paused just before we reached the corridor, then them, now appreciating the fact that my mask hid my true identity "we have to conceal ourselves" I said my voice a gentle whisper, "I can whip up a mist to cover us, but I can only do it for two people, I'm going to need help" I said and instinctively, we both looked at Jasmine, who was admiring the Italian carpet.

"ahem" Carl cleared his throat and she looked up, confused "when, I create it, you'll have to help me expand it" I said and for once in my life, basked in the pleasure of seeing my know-it-all best friend confused.

Jasmine's POV.

"say what now?" I asked, how in hades I'm I supposed to do that? "well, you don't think that the only ability of an ambingar is to bring down buildings now, do you?" Carl taunted and I glared at him "how I'm I supposed to do it?" I asked turning to the second reasonable person in the room (just to be clear, I'm the first person) "well when I create the mist, you have to use your honei to touch it, and it would engulf the three of us" she said simply as if it was the easiest thing in the world. Well, newsflash: It is not!

Ten minutes after, we stood in the same spot where we had been, each of us having different thoughts "that's it, I give up" I said exasperated. Whatever her name is and Carl have been trying to teach me how to summon my honei and it had been excruciating (it didn't help that whenever I hear them say the word, I start thinking of waffles and honey, with a glass of warm milk).

According to them, each of the three special arites have a spark that they can summon, and that of an ambingar is a blue spark in shape of a tornado(they seem serious about this whole bringer of chaos thing). And I'm supposed to summon my honei by building up a sensation in my stomach, pushing it up, and trying to conform the image of how I want it to look like on my finger tips. And as simple as it may seem, I suck at it.

"what are we going to do?" Carl asked giving me a *why can't you get it right look?* which I returned with words "well, I don't know, you guys are the smart ones in the room, figure something out" I said making air quotes when I said the smart ones part. "fine, lets try this again" the lady said turning to me "nope, no I'm tired, I'm not doing it again" you guys should cut me some slack "please, one last time" she said and I mumbled reluctantly "fine".

I closed my eyes again and imagined a tornado, swirling in blue flame, dancing on my fingertips, and when I had pictured it perfectly, I felt that usual hot sensation in my pit of my stomach and started pushing it up. Expecting that it would die halfway as usual, but surprisingly, "Jaz" Carl called out in surprise "oh my goodness! it worked" the lady said, showing the first sign of excitement since she entered this room.

I grinned proudly trying to be as casual as possible "faink you" I said stylishly. The lady created the mist so effortlessly that I got a bit jealous, and in a flash, the both of us were invisible 'whoa' I thought flexing my arms and legs to see if they were still there.

"um... guys, I can't see you" Carl called out and I couldn't help but want to be a little childish "what are you scared that we'll leave you?" I said giggling and I saw him roll his eyes. Apparently, we in the mist can see outside it, but those outside can't see us. "now's the time Jaz" she whispered softly and I stretched my arms and touched the air above my head, only for it to expand and the next moment, Carl was beside me.

"okay, now that this is done, I have plan, but first, we need a distraction" the lady whispered to us inside the mist.