Who Are You?

<<  Garden of E.D.I.N  >>

Back in the deep cellar within the Garden of Edin, the sprawling roots of the Tree of Life constricted and writhed, entangling Adam in their age-old grasp.

Chronos had once again regained his consciousness after over exerting himself while maintaining the state of higher perception after his breakthrough.


The grip of hunger, a feeling all too human, brought forth an involuntary rumble from the depths of his being. 

Attempting to rise, his gaze, slightly blurred from fatigue, once again met the intense, almost hypnotic, reptilian gaze of Adam.

Amidst the palpable tension, as their eyes met, a spark of recognition flickered in Adam's gaze. 

It wasn't a memory of Chronos per se but a deeper connection, one that even Adam himself couldn't put a finger on.