Introduction To Wordsmith Mastery    

"Now to end our general lesson for the day…" Finished teaching her students about Guides and Library evolution, Ms Enjoy commenced her last topic. "I am going to be brief with this one, for I don't want to take up too much of your time. When we're finished here, I will direct you to the other Word Masteries where you will get accustomed to the basics. Here at Raixom Academy, we teach our students to be well rounded in all major Word Mastery. Now then…"

Ms Enjoy applied another script to the clear board present at the forefront of the classroom. It depicted several levels of Guide's category. "For the most basic, we have a Papyrus. This beginner Guide's level has 3-Chapters of evolution before it reaches the Manuscript stage. A 10-page thickness is required for the basics. As for the Manuscript, Hardcover and Tome, they too have 3-Chapters of evolution. Each level has its own set of perks. As you evolve alongside your Guides you will eventually realize these beneficial attributes. Take a good look at the diagrams being shown on your screens. I've sent each of you a copy along with some of the common perks."

"Hmm…" Staring fixedly at his desk-screen, Dam Son made sure to memorise everything. "Though I don't understand all the details, I will store them for later." The rest of the class did the same. They too store a copy of the scripts that teacher Enjoy gave them.

"Okay, that is it for our general lessons today, class. Wrap it up and get ready to go to your other Word Mastery."

"Yes, teacher!" The students complied in unison. Each of them began packing up their learning equipment from their desks. It didn't take them long, for there weren't many objects to store. Only some Tracing Gloves, Arcane Papers and Powered Letters.

"Now that you've all gathered your things, this way please." Ms Enjoy stepped outside the expansive classroom ahead of her students. Coming into the hallway, she directed them to the area of their next course. "Firstly, we're going to get you all accustomed to the Wordsmith Mastery. We studied a little bit on this subject during our general lessons. However, the fundamental juice of the topic was excluded for common purposes."

"Wow, this institute is so vast." Along the way to the Wordsmith classroom, Dam Son's enthusiasm was continually captured by the decorative allure of Caromine Institute. A fantastic splendour of ethereal architectural composite bombarded his created mien.

"We've arrived." Teacher Enjoy stopped at the entrance of a large refinery where Raw Mundane Letters were mostly processed. "This isn't the main classroom for study, but the teacher requested to meet you all here to get you familiar with the general purpose of Wordsmiths and also entice potential candidates. Ok, follow me."

"Wow!" As soon as they ventured further inside the mystical refinery, the bewildered gazes of the students showed just how much knowledge they were lacking as it relates to Wordsmith Mastery. They discovered multiple large tubes with several layers of panels inside that hosted swirling letters. Some group of seasoned students were situated by an extensive Arcane Bath, working on something magical. Using refined Mundane Letters, they formulated typical dimensional globes which were like a mini-world for pets. More wondrous splendours that couldn't be fully captured by words alone greeted the students as they went ahead.

"I had no idea that Wordsmiths could be this cool."

"Me neither. I always thought that they were the weakest among the Word Mastery classes, but I was wrong. This place is amazing!"

"No doubt about it! Seeing this place, I might actually consider having Wordsmith as my main mastery."

"Me too."

Dam Son observed the awe reactions of his classmates. He wanted to summon his Papyrus out of incognito mode to experience the glorious sight with him, but he feared the criticism that its darkened state might bring. Thus he kept it hidden. Eventually, he would have to show it off though.

"Over here, class." Teacher Enjoy brought the students towards a construction site inside the refinery that had heaps of Raw Mundane Letters laying around. It would take the entire Wordsmith team months to refine so many.

A buxom bossy woman was close by the letter heap conversing with a guy who was operating a Word-Tractor.

"Hey, Bartho! This heap over here has the fresh batch of Mundane Letters that arrived yesterday. Take them over to the stream to be washed before you bring them to the Purifier!"

"Yes, ma'am!" The students witnessed the skilful operator of the Word-Tractor scooping up hefty loads of Raw Mundane Letters from the heap.

"What is that strange mechanical contraption?" Dam Son was simply blown away by the majority of discoveries since the start of his day. "Vocabular has so many cool things? I can't wait to explore more!"

"Ahem." A fellow student who stood abreast of Dam Son overheard his excitement and thought to herself: 'This Dark-Human is such a dummy. He's impressed by every miniscule thing. Has he been living under a rock this entire time?' This condescending individual wasn't aware that a fundamental part of Dam Son's created nature was actually a rare rock.

"Hmm…" Dam Son perceived the kid staring at him strangely; he ignored her.

"Ms Philosopho!" Ms Enjoy went over towards the portly lady, letting her aware of the students' presence. The plump lady was donned in flowing dark apparel that accentuated her fluffy curves. Her hair was rolled up neatly into a bun to avoid any scattered follicles across the refinery. Moreover, traces of sweat was trickling down her bossy countenance. This showed just how much hard work she was undertaking.

"En Joy? Is it my session with the newbies already?"

"It is." Ms Enjoy answered while gesturing to the students behind her with a simple smile. "Here are your fresh batch of students for the day."

"Hm..?" Ms Philosopho gave her bossy attention to the group of students positioned behind Ms Enjoy. She watched them keenly with her observatory eyes. "They seem competent enough. However, that is merely the lowest level of acceptance in my book."

"They are newbs after all. Which is why I've brought them here for you to give them your strict guidance."

Hearing this utterance from Ms Enjoy's cunning lips, made Ms Philosopho stare at her strangely. "Then are you sticking around for the lesson? We both excelled in the same Word Mastery. I could use your help around the refinery until I'm finished."

"Ok, I'll stick around to help out. Make sure to keep the lesson brief, okay. I have to get them introduced to the other Word Masteries for the day."

"I will make no promises, but I'll do my best."

Finished conversing with each other, teacher Enjoy brought Ms Philosopho closer to the students where she commenced introductions. "Your attention class. This person beside me will be your primary Wordsmith instructor from henceforth. You may address her as, Ms Philosopho."

"Greetings, Ms Philosopho!" Said the students respectfully in unison.

"Hello back to you too, naughty brats." Ms Philosopho's voice was boisterous as she spoke. "I officially welcome you all to Raixom Academy. As Ms Enjoy just stated, from now on I will be teaching you all the proper ways of becoming full-fledged Wordsmiths. How many of you here are interested in having Wordsmith as your main mastery?"

Out of the 50 students who were present in Ms Enjoy's group, only a few raised their hands. The majority wasn't that eager in having Wordsmith as their main mastery just yet. This made Ms Philosopho slightly upset.

"I don't recognize that many hands going up. Alright then… when I'm through with my introductory lessons I better see more hands than these." Saying this, Ms Philosopho turned away from the students; she gestured for them to follow her. "Come along!"

"Wow, that fat lady is so bossy." A cheeky student whispered to his friends.

"She has a stern character that's for sure. You better not let her overhear you calling her fat."

"Do you think that she would press me flat with her big behind?"

"Stop talking already. I don't want to get into trouble."

"Stop being such a wuss. She can't hear us from all the way back here."

"Whatever, just stop talking."

"Tsk, Ms Enjoy is way cooler than that bossy fat lady."

Dam Son listened to the criticizing whispers of his classmates as he followed his primary Wordsmith teacher.

"In here." Ms Philosopho brought the students to her personal office space located on the top floor which overlooked all the distractions of the refinery. Everything could be perceived from within the clear windows.

"Amazing! This view is even better than below. I can almost see the entire refinery from up here." Many elated students plastered their squishy faces against the transparent windows. They made sure to enjoy their new experiences. Dam Son was among them. "Such brilliant work of art!"