A Shocking Display of Wit!  

Dam Son slowed his steps as he approached the proximity where Cinder Burn laid paralyzed. He glanced down at her and spoke. "You look awfully beat up. How long do you plan on sitting there?"

Cinder Burn felt humiliated. "You bastard! How dare you look down on me? You're lucky I can't move."

"So that's it, you can't move." Dam Son realized the reason why Cinder Burn wasn't retreating, was because she couldn't control her motor functions. "Don't worry, I'll help you up?"

"What? You brute! Unhand me!"

Dam Son ignored Cinder Burn's struggling lips. He took her into his arms; carried her over to where the other students were resting. "Teacher Enjoy can you take care of her injuries."

Even Ms Enjoy was startled by Dam Son's chivalry. "That's not a problem Mr Son. You truly are a caring person you know that?" She took Cinder Burn into her care and gently set her down on a floating sheet of Arcane Paper that possessed excellent healing properties.

"Then I'm going." Dam Son went back to where Ms Ever Moist was waiting for him.

"Huh?" Perceiving his distancing back, Cinder Burn felt a huge wave of degradation encompassing her emotional heart. 'Just you wait. I will definitely repay you for humiliating me this day.' She was very angry.

Ms Ever Moist wasn't hasty for Dam Son's return. She stood by patiently, watching everything unfold. "Hoo… was that your girlfriend I defeated just now. Perhaps you wish to regain her face?"

Hearing this ridiculous question coming his way, Dam Son answered resolutely. "Nonsense, that girl is only a close friend of mine."

"Who is your close friend you bastard!" Cinder Burn felt more ashamed. Under Ms Enjoy's care, she was quickly regaining her mobility.

"Looks like you two aren't on good terms." Said Ms Ever Moist in a weird manner.

"She is always that miserable. Now then, should we start?" While ignoring Cinder Burn's death glare, Dam Son acquired a battle stance with his sapphire suitcase poised before him.

"Hoo…" Ms Ever Moist noticed something different about Dam Son. "Why haven't you called out your Guide yet? You couldn't possibly think of challenging me without it?"

"That's right. It's only fair I mimic your example."

"Hoo… you will regret that decision." Ms Ever Moist placed her dumbbell at her side, moreover, folded her arms underneath her buxom chest which jiggled noticeably. With her boastful attitude soaring high, she beckoned Dam Son. "Come at me."

"As you wish! Suit let's do this!" Dam Son wasted no time executing a powerful frontal assault. Of course, this wasn't enough to startle Ms Ever Moist. With just a few flicks of her fingers, she invoked a barrier of blazing N's around her.

Dam Son's advance was stopped by the sturdy Nounal Force barrier. "It's that mysterious Letter Force again. It's preventing me from reaching her. In that case, how about this." Dam Son retreated a couple of steps where he pushed forwards again. "Suit Thrust!"

Dam Son thrust forth his sapphire suitcase as if it was a pointy sword. When it crashed into the Nounal Force barrier, surprisingly, myriads of faded N's became separated; gradually clearing a path.

"Huh?" Ms Ever Moist was startled by this occurrence. 'This brat is actually pushing through my special barrier of Nounal Force? Impressive, to think there is a Dark-Human like him in my class. What should I do now? Should I reinforce the barrier? No, that will be too boring. Besides, I want to give this baby a chance to prove his worth. What else can he show me?'

"Huh?" Dam Son was surprised by the sudden disappearance of the barrier. Due to this, the impetus he had acquired during his violent thrust caused him to fly past his opponent and crashed into a nearby training dummy.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Look at that fool humiliating himself. I knew he didn't stand a chance against her." The students formed mockery directed at Dam Son's display of failure.

"These brats are completely clueless." Unlike her students, teacher Enjoy knew better. "The level of destructive power it took to penetrate Ms Ever Moist's Nounal Force barrier isn't something to scoff at. That child called Dam Son has great potential. I can't imagine how powerful he will become in the future."

"Ouch! I lost my balance there just now." Dam Son freed himself from the dummies' grasp, brushed off his soiled garments then focused his attention back on Ms Ever Moist. "Teacher, there is no doubt in my mind that you are very skilled. Do you mind telling me the nature of that defensive skill you used earlier?"

"I don't mind sharing, I am your instructor after all." Ms Ever Moist replied. "However, you will have to wait until our duel is over."

"Then let's end this quickly." Dam Son charged his opponent directly again. His movements were roughly executed without any application of proper technique.

"Just charging me head-on won't get you anywhere. First, you need to grasp your opponent's abilities. Allow me to disable you with this one, Soft Touch!" Ms Ever Moist issued an attack for the first time since her battle with Dam Son commenced.

"Suit Defence!" Dam Son used his sapphire suitcase to block Ms Ever Moist's attack. While her arm was still extended, he took advantage of the propelling force to slide underneath. "An opening." He flung his leg towards Ms Ever Moist's abdomen.

"Huh?" Ms Ever Moist hurriedly twisted her midriff to avoid getting hurt. Furthermore, she leapt several metres into the air where she began executing a mighty power slam. "Brat you made a big mistake slipping under me like that!"

"This was all according to my plan?"

"What plan? Getting crushed by me?"

"The moment you've abandoned the ground, you've lost against me."

"What is he saying?" The observers witnessed Dam Son doing something unforeseen. While Ms Ever Moist was still in mid-air, Dam Son slid to the centre of the circle and adroitly manoeuvred the mini-tyres of his sapphire suitcase to trace the circle's edges.


"Could that brat be thinking of…?"

"That's right." He smirked and added, "Suit, become heavier!" The increased avoirdupois of Dam Son's sapphire suitcase, caused the inner portions of the circle to shatter. Their debris rose a few inches. With a simple spinning motion, Dam Son was able to kick away all of the cracked portions which made up the circle along with retreating to safety before Ms Ever Moist could crush him with her power slam.

Ms Ever Moist held back her power upon her descent which only mitigated the damages by a few square metres. "Hoo… Who would have thought you'd ended our duel this way." She was slightly angered by Dam Son's trickery, however, she still admitted her defeat. "I admit my loss. You win."

"What is Teacher Moist talking about? That idiot hasn't landed a single blow on her yet."

"I don't understand what's going on either. Did we miss something?"

To clarify the students' bewilderment, teacher Enjoy directed their visions towards Dam Son and told them. "Have you forgotten what Ms Ever Moist's condition for acknowledgement was? She said that if she was forced outside the circle that she drew earlier then it would be her loss. Look carefully at where Mr Son is. Do you recognize that broken debris?"

"No way! Are you trying to say that…?"

"Indeed. Though it might have been a cowardly act, he acknowledges the condition set by his opponent and did his best to exploit it. Those rubbles consist of the circle that was previously drawn. Now that they are over there doesn't that imply that Ms Ever Moist has stepped outside of the circle?"

"I understand now. So that was his aim from the very beginning? He didn't intend on fighting teacher fairly."

"All that talk about fairness then he went and pulled such an underhanded trick. What a despicable bastard."

"Who cares about that? The fact is he won. He forced her outside the circle. Wasn't that the main aim to begin with?"

"That's correct, but still he…"

"You are just upset because you didn't think about doing what he did. Next time you should use more of your head instead of your sword."

"Bastard! What did you just say to me? Want me to chop you to pieces?"

Ms Ever Moist didn't like the dark atmosphere that was spreading around her classroom, thus she intervened. "Calm down you, babies. I've already acknowledged my loss. You should be thankful to Dam Son. Because of him, I will no longer issue a complaint about your expulsion."

Hearing the word 'expulsion' startled the rowdy students. They immediately became docile like sheep. "We're sorry for disrupting your class, teacher."

"That's more like it. Kids should learn how to properly behave before their seniors. Now then…" Finished calming the storm in her classroom, Ms Ever Moist went over to where Dam Son was to congratulate him. "That was some quick-witted stunt you pulled off there. I'm impressed."

Dam Son felt relieved when he heard this. "You're not mad at me, teacher?"

"How could I be? I was the one who set those terms in the first place and you defeat me fair and square. As promised, I will gift you your special reward."

"What, she's going to give him a reward." Upon hearing this, the onlookers were slightly jealous. "I wonder what she is going to gift him…"

Ms Ever Moist stepped closer to Dam Son until she reached within breathing distance of him. "Prepare to receive your gift." She motioned her hands forwards with bliss tenacity. What she did next almost blew the minds of the students watching. She brought Dam Son into a caring embrace. His robust head became soft between her moist cleavage.

"What????" The male students were bridled with jealously! "Teacher Moist is hugging that snotty brat with her humungous melons!"

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Could that be her reward? Damn, she's smothering him to heaven!"

"That should have been me goddammit! How could a low born such as him get such a glorious gift?"

"What I wouldn't give to get smothered by her soft, juicy twins!" Jealousy ensued among the male populous of the class. As for the females, they were also surprised.

"I had no idea Ms Ever Moist was such a lewd individual."

"I should have guessed. Just look at how provocative she's dressed."

"I understand that she is gorgeous in some ways, but why are these boys drooling like idiots? Within a few years, I will surpass her beauty."

"Her actions are simply deplorable and inappropriate for a teacher. I can't believe she would embrace a student like that just because he bested her in battle. If you ask me, she's nothing but a dirty slu…" This girl immediately pulled back her nasty adjective as her eyes met with Ms Ever Moist's fierce glare.

"Damn she's scary! Her eyes felt like she would have torn me to pieces had I finished my sentence."

"I told you to keep quiet. She's still a teacher after all."

"Alright, alright. From now on I'll keep my mouth shut. I still don't like her though."