Shaking Up The Dojo!  

"I will defeat these Paper Golems by performing a personalized skillset called, Dojo Ramping. Observe carefully as I walk you through its method of execution. First, you need to acquire the right balance." The automated teaching dummy took an empowering stance with its arms positioned forwards. Later, it called forth a level-1 Guide for assistance.

"That dummy can also make use of a Guide." Babe Blade was slightly astonished. "Whoever built it must be an adept Wordsmith." He flicked open his paper folding fan with vigour, using it to cool his sweating face. "Gosh, this place is so hot."

"Hm…?" Xuan Li glanced at Babe Blade and thought to himself, 'Why is he still even here?' As for Sugar Bun and Dam Son, they kept a close eye on what the automated teaching dummy did next.

"Second instruction, the timing of script assimilation must be done correctly. The level of effect also depends on the area of application. Do observe." After this utterance, the teaching dummy dashed towards the assortment of the idle Paper Golems with its unique stance still maintained. "Dojo Ramping, Swift Blizzard!" It aimed to attack the closest Paper Golem upon script assimilation.

[Basic Word Fu Script: Swift Blizzard] (Activated) -20(MAPL)

As soon as the assimilation process was successful, a swirling flurry of separating leaves accompanied by visible winds encompassed the teaching dummy's feet and forearms. Its velocity was also increased by leaps and bounds. Furthermore, it began dashing around the dojo like a speeding tyrant while delivering invisible blows to the idle Paper Golems.

All of the Paper Golems were shredded to bits extremely fast! The corners of the dojo were littered with their paper innards. When all was over, the teaching dummy returned to its starting point like a snapping yoyo.

"Hm, could that be…?" What caught the students by surprise was the sudden rising of smoke blazing from the dummy's body. It had overexerted itself to pull off the Dojo Ramping technique, now it was meeting its created end.

"The smoke is getting fiercer! Shouldn't we do something about it?" Sugar Bun was scared to act; quite evident by his trembling figure.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! What a joke!" Babe Blade's sudden outburst caught the attention of the others. "I can't believe that trash dummy has already been wrecked. And here I was hoping to get a glimpse of what a true Word Fu spirit is about. Guess I was the fool to expect anything worthwhile from artificial intelligence. Trash should be buried 6 feet under."

Saying this, Babe Blade lashed forth his folding hand fan. The strong gust it produced crashed into the smoking teaching dummy. It flew several metres until it was buried underground; completely ceasing its malfunctioning state.

"Fhm, rubbish. I've wasted my time here." Babe Blade closed his folding hand fan with style and made to leave the littered dojo. "I wonder if Ms Ever Moist has any spare time to teach me a few Augmenter's moves. Fu-hu-hu." He had a lecherous expression plastered on his face as he thought about Ms Ever Moist's alluring body.

With only Dam Son, Xuan Li and Sugar Bun remaining inside the dojo, neither of them had any directional compass of worthy view. They aimlessly explored the empty dojo; interacted with some of the training equipment until they were vastly bored.

"Geez, this is frustrating!" Hollered out Xuan Li as he stamped down on a crushed piece of paper. "I came to this academy specifically to sharpen my Word Fu techniques. It must be a bad blessing that I got enrolled in an institute that doesn't supply this factor of learning. This dojo is stocked with useless training materials. I have no choice but to transfer to another institute."

"I'm a bit scared to transfer institutes." Sugar Bun voiced his opinion. "Didn't you hear what teacher Enjoy said? It would be unwise to transfer institutes now because Caromine Institutes provides the best teaching method in the other 3 masteries. I don't want to sabotage my learning experience just to accommodate Word Fu in the mix. Although, I would have loved to learn it."

"Our situations are quite different." Xuan Li told Sugar Bun. "I will not give up on becoming a Word Fu expert. I've already chosen it as my main Word Mastery and nothing is going to stop me. If Caromine Institute is so lacking in this factor of learning then I have no other choice but to switch."

Xuan Li started making his way towards the dojo's exit in a perturbed manner, however, Dam Son hastily stopped him, saying, "Wait, I think I might have a solution for our predicament."

"Hm…? What do you mean?" Xuan Li's feet halted to accommodate Dam Son's suggestion. "This better be something worth listening to. I hope you're not about to play any tricks with me, Dark-Human."

"No, no, no. Of course not." Dam Son quickly reassured Xuan Li that he wasn't up to any trickery.

Sugar Bun came closer to hear what Dam Son had to say. From how fiercely he spotted Xuan Li glaring at Dam Son, he knew right away that there was some sort of hidden animosity between them. Out of the 2, Xuan Li was the one hoarding animosity towards Dam Son for how he humiliated him during the admission matches.