The Finale    

With the Leaf Widows suffering a miserable loss to the Losers team, they were eliminated from the tournament semi-finals. For the finale, the Drunken Brats would be facing off against the Losers. Everyone thought that the finale wasn't worth watching because of how Red Bull single-handedly destroyed the Leaf Widows. The Drunken Brats wasn't much of a rave after that.

At the Page Coliseum's infirmary, Dam Son went to visit Cinder Burn and Balloona to see how they were doing. Coming into the ward, he saw them lying flat on a special bed as many healing scripts circulated them.

"You guys, are you okay?" Dam Son called out to them. Upon recognising his presence, both Cinder Burn, Trish and Balloona were startled.

"You? What are you doing here? Have you come to gloat?" Cinder Burn glared at Dam Son for a while before turning her back to face him.

By Cinder Burn's reaction, Dam Son knew she didn't want to be near him much less see him, thus he went back to the exit and said, "I came to check on your health. Now that I know that you're doing okay, my mind can be at ease; you too Balloona. I hope you get well soon."

After he said what he wanted to, Dam Son exited the infirmary to go meet up with his companions. Cinder Burn settled on her back staring at the exit with deep contempt. She was furious by how easily she had been defeated by Red Bull's Loser Eyes. Some remnants of his ability still lingered in her psyche.

"I'm not a loser, I'm not a loser. My opponent was just a little bit stronger is all. He-he-he, that must be it. How else could I've lost?" As she continued speaking to herself, Cinder Burn thought about the next team match that was supposed to take place on Battle Arena 1. "The Dark-Human is going to lose for sure. There is no way he can win against that blindfolded kid. Since I lost to him, Dam Son will surely lose also. He won't be able to withstand a single attack. He's a loser, a loser, a loser!"

Listening to how their friend sounded hysterical, Trish and Balloona couldn't help but stared at each other strangely, wondering if Cinder Burn was going insane. Red Bull's Loser Eyes affected her more than they thought.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Dam Son finally made it back to his comrades. Sugar Bun wondered what had kept him.

"I was visiting a classmate in the infirmary."

"You mean that Cinder Burn chick? How is she?"

"Her usual self." Dam Son responded. "I wanted to ask her about what is underneath that kid's blindfold."

"So did you ask her?" Xuan Li enquired.

"No, she didn't give me the chance to. Anyway, I guess we will find out for ourselves soon. We are going up against them in the final round."

"I'm not going to lie guys, I'm very nervous about stepping on the stage with the Losers team. They are extremely overpowered, especially that blindfolded guy." Sugar Bun almost took a dump in his shorts as he reminisced about how Red Bull single-handedly dominated Battle Arena 1.

"Don't get nervous to the point where you can't move Sugar Bun. We need you out there. We are a team remember?"

"How can you be so calm Dam Son, aren't you the least bit nervous?"

"Nervous?" Dam Son took some time to ponder. "I'm not sure, but what I am certain of is that I want to go toe to toe with that blindfolded kid. He seems like a challenging opponent."

"No shit genius." Xuan Li spoke sounding irate, "We all witnessed how fierce the Losers were out there. They possessed mad skills that can obliterate us in a single strike. The strategy that we used to get this far in the tournament won't work against them. Our only chance of winning is a miracle."

Hearing Xuan Li's opinion. Dam Son told him, "It doesn't matter if we lose to them. What matters is that we tried our best. Don't forget that we've already accomplished what we came here for. Even if we are defeated in the next battle, we've already earned enough Q-currency to purchase more wine for Master Jin."

"You're right. We do have enough Q-currency." Realizing this, Xuan Li felt more at ease. "900 Q-currency should suffice to buy many cheap liquors for that drunken geezer. We can just switch the labels and make him think they are of high quality, I doubt he will know the difference."

"Knowing this, I still don't feel comfortable about our next battle." Sugar Bun's feet were still trembling with fear. Xuan Li and Dam Son had to stay there with him, assuaging his trepidation until the final battle began.


Sometime later, the referee graced Battle Arena 1 with his presence to address the crowd. " I know all of you have been waiting patiently so I'm proud to announce that our final 3-man team battle for this arena is about to commence. Along with the regular team prize of 150 Q-currency, the winning team will be given an amount of 300 pure Mundane Letters! Now without further ado, let me introduce the teams that are about to face each other in the final round."

The referee waited for both teams to come into view before he continued, "Coming up from my left is the team that struggled through rough obstacles using their physical strength as well as their raw combat abilities. Give it up for the Drunken Brats!"

"Boo!" Not many people responded positively to Dam Son's crew as they came on stage.

The referee introduced the other team with much more enthusiasm. "Approaching from my right is the stylish team that blew our minds earlier with their fantastic display of script execution and stage demolition! Give a huge roar for the Losers!"

"YAAAAA!" The crowd went wild with excitement the moment they laid eyes on the suave blindfolded kid who led his sexy teammates on stage. "Yeah! Kick their asses, Red Bull! Those Drunken Brats aren't even a challenge!"

"Biasness aside, they did make it to the finals. Doesn't that means they might have a shot at winning?"

"Over my dead body. Red Bull is the strongest first year in Raixom Academy. I don't know who his teachers were before he came here but obviously, they were very strong!"

"The Losers will definitely win this match! I pray they do!"

When the crowd started to settle down, the referee glanced at both teams, moreover, reiterated the rules. "Now that we got that out of the way, let the final battle begin!"

The referee vanished off stage. To the audience's surprise, neither team were rushing each other impulsively; both were just standing there sizing up their opponents.

Washing his hidden gaze over the Drunken Brats, Red Bull said to them, "I can see that all 3 of you don't amount to anything much. Throw in the towel right now and I won't have to dirty my hands on you."

"Yeah, 3 measly brats like you couldn't possibly hope to defeat us." Said Pine Punch smilingly.

"It was only by pure luck that you made it this far. Don't think that you're anything special." D.Zypher scoffed at the Drunken Brats, especially at Sugar Bun. "What use is that fat turtle?"

"You're about to find out." Said Dam Son as he alighted in an offensive stance. "Get ready to fight at our best."

"Right!" Xuan Li and Sugar Bun agreed with Dam Son. Both of them also took up an offensive stance. "The outcome doesn't matter. Let's just do our best."

"That still won't be enough. Let me show you the difference between our potential." Saying this, Red Bull nodded his head at his teammates. They understood perfectly what he meant.

"We'll take care of them."

Pine Punch and D.Zypher moved away from Red Bull's lateral regions, they rushed towards the opposing sides of the Drunken Brats. As usual, Pine Punch sent out her Paper Golems to strike down her foe while D.Zypher waited for an opportunity to counteract her opponents' script assimilation process.

"Scatter!" Dam Son commanded his teammates to evade the fierce assault of the Paper Golems. As they scattered, they made sure to close the distance between their opponents.

"I got this one, you 2 take the other!" Dam Son set his sight on D.Zypher after telling Xuan Li and Sugar Bun to swarm Pine Punch. "By what I've seen so far, that blindfolded kid won't make a move just yet to rescue his teammates. While he's busy being idle, I will eliminate the weakest member of their crew."

Dam Son was referring to D.Zypher. "During her last battle, I didn't see her utilizing any attack type script, her Word Fu isn't that pronounced either. She's a Wordsmith whose main ability is focused on tampering with the effects of Guides. Since none of us can use our Guides to battle, she won't have anything to hinder us with. I should finish her before she realized that she's at a great disadvantage."

The closer Dam Son got to D.Zypher, the tighter his fist became. He thought he could eliminate her with one strike based on his previous analysis of her aptitudes. However, he gravely miscalculated.

"Reverse Polarity!" As Dam Son crossed over into her proximity, D.Zypher activated a Powered Script which repelled him several metres away.

"What was that mysterious force?" landing on his feet, Dam Son was startled by D.Zypher's counter. "So she does have other skills in her arsenal. This will be tricky." Dam Son pondered other ways to approach D.Zypher without getting blasted again. While he did this, Xuan Li and Sugar Bun were busy fending off Pine Punch's Paper Golems.

Tossing out various kicks and punches, Xuan Li managed to defeat one of the three arachnid type Paper Golems. Right after, he went to aid Sugar Bun. Pine Punch was just standing idle by the side taking everything in.

So far, the Drunken Brats were off to a bad start. They couldn't handle the weights of a few Paper Golems along with a simple Repulsion Script. The audience found their way of fighting to be extremely boring.

"Booo! This is the most boring match I've ever seen in my entire life!"

"How the heck did those garbage made to the finals with their deplorable stink? They should be tossed into a dumpster."

"More like a sewage line. Those Drunken Brats are an embarrassment to us Word Masters. The Losers should just hurry up and end them already."

"I agree. Those runts are an eyesore. How could they possibly hope to pose a challenge to the Losers without even invoking their Guides? Do they think this competition is some sort of joke?"

"Stop humiliating yourselves! Hurry up and end the match already! This is so exhausting to watch." The crowd continued to toss their insults and epithets at the Drunken Brats. Dam Son and his crew ignored them and continued to cope the way they knew how.