Tor Eyes Vs Dam Son  

"Vor Eyes are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a bit frozen."

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of there." Dam Son used his Natural Verb Force to pound his way through the thick block of ice until Vor Eyes' legs were free. He didn't have to help Sugar Bun and Xuan Li to be free of the ice, they too understood the basics of Natural Verb Force so they were able to free themselves.

"Man, this sucks. Why does he always have to come and steal the spotlight? We came here to rescue him, not the other way around." Xuan Li was peeved at Dam Son again for showing him up.

"Stop your whining Xuan Li. At least Dam Son save us the time of dealing with an extra one of them bozos."

"You want to go over there and say that to his face, turtle? I bet you wouldn't dare."

"Of course, I won't do it. I plan on living until I'm 400 years old. I won't do anything stupid to die this young."

"Aren't you like a hundred years old, how is that being young?"

"I'm nowhere close to being a hundred years old! Stop antagonizing me Xuan Li."

While Sugar Bun and Xuan Li kept fooling around, a serious matter was taking place ahead. Tor Eyes flipped his Blue Kismet Coin to trapped Dam Son and himself inside a reasonable size dome. The others were left outside of the barrier. They were free to make a rush for the exit, however, they decided to stay and become spectators of the imminent fight.

Taking a few glances at the barrier, Dam Son asked his adversary. "Is this really necessary?"

"Indeed it is. I don't want any outside forces interrupting our duel, neither do I want you to escape. You are the holder of the Black Kismet Coin after all. I can't take any chances to risk upsetting the boss?"

"Why are you so loyal to him when you know he's a bad guy? You're even willing to sacrifice your family."

"You know nothing of my family and the man that I serve. Enough chit-chat. I'm going to subdue you and retrieve the Abyss Script."

"Go ahead and try it."

"I already have."

[Basic Word Mage Script: Flower Blossoms] (Activated) –50(MPL)

[Intermediate Word Mage Script: Guiding Wind] (Activated) –150(MPL)

[Advance Word Mage Script: Frost] (Activated) –500(MPL)

"What's this?" Dam Son was surprised to identify a sudden surge of frost petals swerving around him. He tried hopping outside the formation but was knocked back by a powerful gust of wind. During his stumble, he accidentally crashed into a frost petal. At the moment of impact, a fierce blast of ice exploded which knocked Dam Son away while freezing a portion of his body. He had to quickly rouse his Natural Verb Force to mitigate the spread of cold energy.

"Not bad for a lousy brat. However, can you withstand all of these?"

[Intermediate Word Mage Script: Matter Multiplication] (Activated) -200(MPL)

Myriads of frost petals began dancing towards Dam Son's locality. Only a few making contact would be enough to turn him into a Popsicle. Realizing that there was no possible way he could avoid so many of them, Dam Son viciously stamped the ground, moreover, sent a portion of Natural Verb Force underneath.

Momentarily, a great upheaval of ice surfaced just in time to shield Dam Son from getting blasted by innumerable frost petals. Dam Son didn't linger near the destructive radius, he set his aim on Tor Eyes then kicked the sapphire suitcase at him.

"Child's play." Tor Eyes easily evaded Suit's advance by flipping ahead. Just as he'd done this, Dam Son was already beneath him executing a scissors pincer attack with his legs.

Dam Son caught hold of Tor Eyes's ankle, he applied more pressure by twisting it with all his might. The gritty sound of bones breaking rang out. Tor Eyes's right fibula and tibia suffered a shattering assault, even so, he didn't utter a cry of pain. Instead, he kicked Dam Son away with his other functioning leg.

"Ahh! He still has that much energy after I broke his leg?" Observing from close proximity, Dam Son saw his opponent's shattered leg quickly regenerating as if he'd suffered only a simple scratch. "He's using a Healing Script. I mustn't let him recover all the way." He began dashing forward.

"Hm, your speed is impressive. However, you won't get another chance at breaking any of my limbs. Now that I know you won't break so easily, why don't I bump up the difficulty?" While smirking, Tor Eyes intercepted Dam Son head-on while his right leg was still undergoing regeneration. They engaged in a fierce battle of fists; exchanging numerous explosive blows.

"How can he keep up?" Dam Son was shocked at how good Tor Eyes Word Fu was. Despite him amplifying his attacks with Natural Verb Force, he still couldn't overpower Tor Eyes' adroit techniques.

"Are you still with me brat? You better not die on me just yet. Have some more fist for lunch!"

'Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!'

Tor Eyes continued to pummel Dam Son's face all across the frozen expanse. He didn't give him a chance to breathe. Due to this, Dam Son had to rely on his sapphire suitcase to create a wedge between him and Tor Eye.

"Thanks for the save, Suit. Now for our counterattack." Being allowed some room to move freely, Dam Son shrouded his sapphire suitcase in Natural Verb Force. He began spinning around swiftly until he attained the impetus of an electric saw blade.

"Cyclone Splitter!" Multiple frost slashes were produced.

"Damn brat! Why won't you give up?" Tor Eyes became extremely annoyed by Dam Son's persistence. He had to summon his Augmented Weapon which was a clear white staff to defend against the oscillating tyrant chasing after him. "I've tried subduing you and failed. Now I'll just have to retrieve the Abyss Script from your corpse!"

An invisible wall suddenly appeared out of thin ice and brought Dam Son's oscillating impetus to a complete zero. While he was frozen in mid-air, Tor Eyes brought out his Blue Kismet Coin and said, "Heads or tails?" The Blue Kismet Coin was tossed above by a few centimetres. Milliseconds later, it landed on Tor Eyes' wrist. When he removed his hand, he spoke again, "Head it is."

A large portal suddenly popped up above Tor Eyes's head. Shortly, a malignant presence started to come out. "Be afraid brat! Subject yourself to magnanimous trepidation as you witnessed the appearance of my contracted Kismet Beast!"

An elongated draconic animalistic manifestation that possessed multiple stubby appendages at its lateral region poured out of the huge portal. It had no noticeable wings, yet it was capable of flight. The tip of its swaying tail was decorated with thick long furs that could morph into anything desired. As for its anterior, there were 2 identical heads which signified its evolution process. Though the beast was still immature, it boasted a dominating aura only associated with apex predators.

"What the hell is that thing? I'm feeling its intense pressure all the way from out here." Sugar Bun became weak in his knees, he found it difficult to maintain an upright balance. Xuan Li and Vor Eyes also felt an immense pressure weighing them down. This was all brought about by the malignant azure beast inside the dome that hovered mightily above Tor Eyes.

"Ahh! My head hurts!" As he looked up at the glorified Abyss Beast afield, Dam Son felt a burning pain blazing through his head; his Black Kismet Coin was reacting to the creature's oppressive presence. "Ahh! My legs are beginning to give out."

"Hm? What's the matter brat? Feeling a bit tired or are you just too scared? Where is that domineering resolve from a while ago?" Tor Eyes felt very powerful at that moment when he perceived his adversary idle on his knees before him. "It is too late for you to surrender. Your death has already been assured." Tor Eyes looked at his Kismet Beast and said, "Hell Rug, annihilate that Dark-Human."

"ROAR!" Hell Rug was an intelligent Kismet Beast who could understand human languages, however, due to its evolutionary state, it was incapable of speaking them currently. Accenting to its contracted owners' command, Hell Rug combined the furs on the tip of its tail to form multiple detachable spikes. Next, it set its aim on Dam Son and began firing the spikes.

"Danger!" To avoid getting impaled, Dam Son had to burn every last drop of his Natural Verb Force to constantly dash to safety. However, there was nowhere safe for him to evade within the controlled dome. Eventually, a few spikes hit Dam Son. Whenever they impaled his body, they left a gaping wound, moreover, he would be teleported closer to Hell Rug's proximity. From there, Hell Rug and Tor Eyes would combine their abilities to assault him.

"Dam Son is getting thrashed inside there! We have to help him!" Sugar Bun couldn't stomach his friends getting beat up like that. He kept punching the barrier repeatedly but to no avail. "We have to do something!"

"Do what turtle? No matter how hard we try hitting this barrier it won't budge. I hate to say this but all we can do is watch and hope that he survives."

"Brother please stop what you're doing! At this rate, you're going to end up becoming a murderer!" Vor Eyes tried pleading with his brother for Dam Son's survival. "This isn't you brother! Mother would be disappointed if she knew what you've become!"

"Shut up!" Tor Eyes became fed up with his little brother's annoying lip service, so much so that he flipped another coin to extend the reach of the protective dome.

"We're inside???"

With all the intruders now gathered in one place, Tor Eyes decided to obliterate them altogether. "Hell Rug, finish them!"

"ROAR!" Hell Rug released a boisterous holler that blew all the students into a single file formation. Dam Son was in front, Vor Eyes was behind him, Sugar Bun behind Vor Eyes and Xuan Li in last place.

"What's up with this ridiculous line-up?" Xuan Li cursed, "Why am I at the utmost back? Am I that insignificant to you beast? You're going to pay for belittling me! WOAAAH!"


Xuan LI let loose a compressed build-up of exaggerated Natural Verb Force. This was the first time since his training that he had ever manifested such a powerful Natural Verb Force; frankly speaking, it was more potent than Dam Son's. His livid temperament must have boosted his physical potential.

"You're going down beast!" Xuan Li kicked the ground like a mad tyrant. At the same time, he slithered his Natural Verb Force across the frozen surface. Within seconds, a large portion of the ice defrosted. Xuan Li used the water to aid with the execution of his deadly technique.

"Guiding Water Stance 5th Form, Tsunami Overdrive!"

"What's this now?" Tor Eyes became alerted of Xuan Li's presence when he saw him commanding a huge uprising of water to crash into his Kismet Beast without the aid of a Guide. "How can all these brats utilize such strong Natural Verb Force? Jin Hennessy that bastard!"

"Achoo!" Presently atop a lush mountain peak, Jin Hennessy suddenly produced a sneeze that almost caused him to spill his bottle of wine. "Dammit, my wine!" He was drunk as a bat relaxing in his swaying hammock. He didn't even notice the floating sheet of paper near the shed that was left behind by Sugar Bun.