Welcome To Crossblades  

In the world of Crossblades, swords are not just weapons, but a way of life. In this world, people use swords for everything from fighting to cooking to communicating. The quality and style of your sword reflect your personality and status in society. And the ultimate goal of every sword enthusiast is to become a top-tier Blade Master, a person who has mastered the art of swordsmanship and can wield any sword with ease and skill…

Portal Bay, the bustling heart of Crossblades, was a city like no other. Sword enthusiasts, Blade Engineers, and all manner of type people from all corners of the sharp planet flocked to its vibrant streets in search of fame, fortune, and the perfect blade. Buildings made from shimmering metal, carved with intricate sword patterns, soared into the sky, proof of the city's dedication to the art of swordsmanship. Skyscrapers adorned with glowing Kem Ore crystals illuminated the night, giving Portal Bay an ethereal, otherworldly charm.

People from all walks of life hustled and bustled through the streets. Some were Blade Masters, flying through the air on their swords like modern-day magicians. This was a rare sight, as only high-level Blade Masters were capable of such feats, their skills honed to a razor-sharp edge. The crowd would gasp and gawk whenever one of these elite individuals soared above, their envy and admiration quite evident.

In the world of Crossblades, the tier system governed both the sword masters and their swords. It was a hierarchy that kept the peace and ensured that only the most dedicated and skilled individuals rose to the top. The Sword Master Tier System, from lowest to highest, was as follows: Novice, Apprentice, Journeyman, Master, Grandmaster, and Apex Wielder. The Sword Tier System, on the other hand, consisted of Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, and the coveted X-Class.

Crossblades was a planet that had 2 celestial blades in the cosmos joined to generate a spark that weaved a complex web of reality together. There were two sides to Crossblades, Optimum, which was the lighter side of rich biodiversity and also where most humans dwelled and then there was Inverse, the darker region where sinister beings were rampant. Inverse was inaccessible to the general public of Optimum for it was sealed away in another dimension. Currently, there was only one way of getting there.

Meanwhile, Hao continued his daring escape on the commandeered Sword-Glider, Judgment Day secured at his rear. He soared over the rooftops of Portal Bay, the wind whipping at his hair, exhilaration coursing through him. The cityscape stretched out below him, a mesmerising mosaic of glistening metal and twinkling lights. While his heart pounded with excitement, Vibe Edge shuddered in response, its energy resonating with his own.

Unbeknownst to Hao, his daring theft had not gone unnoticed by a certain group who for a long time had known where Judgment Day was sealed. In the shadows of the city, a secretive group consisting of only the top-tier Sword Masters in Crossblades had been observing the events unfold. Their interest was piqued by Hao's unexpected abilities and his possession of the X-Class weapon. Their motives were as enigmatic as the shadows they lurked within.


"Here we are, lad." Announced the driver, lowering their altitude.

The Sword-Glider landed in a desolate area on the outskirts of Portal Bay known for its unique commercial benefits and for being far from the prying eyes of the bustling city's heart. Hao alighted the vehicle. The area was sparse, with only a few scattered factories, houses, trees and bushes dotting the landscape. A faint breeze rustled the leaves, providing a soothing counterpoint to the noise of city life.

"Thanks, mate," Hao said to the driver, before starting to walk towards Katana Creek. He felt that going home would put him in harm's way, so he decided to seek refuge with his best friend, Mentos.

As he walked, Hao couldn't help but think about the weight of the sword on his back and the responsibility it carried. "I must keep this secret, for the sake of those I care about," he spoke under his breath.

Katana Creek was a peculiar sight; a sinuous river that meandered through Portal Bay, carrying with it an assortment of discarded sword scraps and other metal debris. It was a treasure trove for Scrap Divers like Mentos, who made their living fishing for rare metals. The creek was surrounded by workshops, an exemplification of the industrious nature of the people of Portal Bay.

Upon arriving at Mentos' workshop, Hao was greeted by the cacophony of clanging metal and the whirring of machinery. It was a vast, open space populated with workbenches and tools, where Blade Engineers and Scrap Divers toiled away on their latest projects. Hao's Vibe Sense painted a detailed picture of the workshop as his sword buzzed with the vibrations of the bustling activity around him.

Hao had taken care to conceal Judgment Day, wrapping it in an extra layer of cloth to avoid drawing unwanted attention to the X-Class weapon. The cloth muted the sword's sinister aura, giving it an unassuming appearance as Hao navigated the busy workplace.

While he manoeuvring through the sea of workers, Hao spotted a familiar face. "Oi, is Mentos around?" he asked the man, who was busy filing the edge of a sword.

The worker looked up, wiping sweat from his brow. "Last I saw him, he was at the water tower by the Junction. You should find him there."

"Right, thanks," Hao replied, continuing on his way.

The Junction was a hive of activity, where workers meticulously cleansed metal scraps and refined their properties for distribution. The area was a maze of conveyor belts, water tanks, and machinery. Hao carefully moved through the chaos, his Vibe Sense guiding him around obstacles and workers. Steam rose from the heated water; the air was thick with the scent of metal and oil.

As Hao approached the water tower, he kept a firm grip on Vibe Edge, the anticipation of seeing his friend and the uncertainty of what lay ahead was heavy on his mind.


"There you are, mate."

Hao finally found his friend Mentos near the base of the water tower. Mentos was a burly man with powerful muscles, a result of the hard work he put into his Scrap Diving profession. His attire was practical, consisting of durable clothing with multiple pockets and tools attached. His impressive Mohawk hairstyle and the tattoos that adorned his arms gave him a rugged appearance. Despite his rough exterior, Mentos had a warm and welcoming demeanour.

"Yo, what's up Mentos?" Hao greeted his friend, who was engrossed in sorting out some valuable metals he had retrieved from Katana Creek. Mentos looked up from his work, surprised to see Hao but happy to take a break.

"Vee, what are you doing here, mate? This isn't your usual hour." Said Mentos while wiping his brow.

"I have something extremely important to tell you. But not here." Hao was insistent that they talk in private, so he dragged Mentos away from his work, taking him around the corner by some massive pipes. The area was quieter, but Hao still felt uneasy, glancing around nervously.

"We can't talk here either, let's go somewhere more private," Hao whispered tensely.

Mentos furrowed his brow, intrigued by Hao's unusual behaviour but also concerned. "Alright, this better be important," he grumbled, leading Hao to his home.

Mentos' humble abode was situated atop the water tower, providing a vantage point that allowed him to monitor the ever-changing currents of Katana Creek. He had built his home in this strategic location to quickly capitalize on the rare and valuable metals that would occasionally wash up on the riverbanks. They climbed a rickety set of stairs, feeling the gentle sway of the tower as they ascended.

The house itself was a modest structure made primarily of rusted metal sheets, barely spacious enough for a man of Mentos' stature. It was evidence of his resourcefulness and dedication to his craft. As they approached the entrance, a small creature that seemed to be a cross between a cat and a lizard lazily stirred from its nap atop a barrel. The creature blinked its large, curious eyes before stretching and returning to its slumber.

"Go right ahead, my door is open." While Mentos ushered Hao inside, he grumbled about the Blade Tokens he was missing out on while away from work. "This better be worth the hassle." He said.

Hao scanned his friend, and replied, "It is."

The door to Mentos' home creaked open, revealing a cluttered yet cosy space. Upon entering, Hao took Judgment Day from his back and placed it onto the table. The time had come for Hao to share the secret he carried with his best friend, hoping that together they could face whatever challenges come what may.

"What is this about? You got yourself another sword," Mentos's curiosity was piqued, but his eagerness to return to work made him impatient for an explanation.

"This isn't just any ordinary sword," Hao replied, positioning himself before the table. With an air of impending hype, he slowly unwrapped the covering he'd placed around the X-Class sword.

As the scabbard of Judgment Day was revealed to Mentos, Hao began to explain the sword's existence. "Brace yourself, what I'm about to tell you will be shocking…"

"Hurry it up." Mentos listened to his story.

"Ok," Hao leaned against the table and began his exposition on the events that transpired. "It all started 2 weeks ago when I got this job at the Imperial Storehouse…"