Scheming In The Wine Cellar

"Follow me," Scar whispered, leading Hao and Lanor through a back door and down a hallway towards a wine cellar filled with rows of dusty bottles and wooden barrels. They moved cautiously, careful not to attract any unwanted attention.

As they descended further into the cellar, Hao couldn't help but wonder what the classified item in the vault was, and how it could be worth the risk they were taking. But one thing was certain - with his unique abilities, they stood a better chance than most at pulling off this daring heist. This he was confident of to a certain degree because of his prior successful theft of Judgment Day from the Imperial Storehouse.

They travelled deeper underground, following Scar as he led them through a lit passage. "Down here," Scar whispered, opening a creaky wooden door and ushering Hao and Lanor into a hidden, cramped chamber nestled in the back of the cellar. The chamber was devoid of any ornamentation, moreover, the air inside was damp and heavy. Their attention was immediately drawn to a large, seemingly impenetrable wall that dominated the room.

"According to the boss lady, this is the place," said Scar, rubbing his hand against the smooth, cold surface of the wall. The wall appeared to be made of an unfamiliar material, one that seemed to absorb any light that dared to touch it. Its ominous presence hinted at the untold secrets that lay hidden behind it.

Lanor studied the wall intently with a focused vision. "Rector's secret vault is just behind this wall. Can you see inside?" she asked, turning to Hao.

Hao took a deep breath then began focusing on his Vibe Sense. He felt the energy around him, the slight fluctuations in the air and directed his vision toward the wall. Gradually, he began to perceive the wall's dense atomic structure as his vision penetrated deeper into the material. Diving further, he saw blue beat tones pulsating rhythmically, leading him like a beacon through the specific dense layers.

A short while later, he conveyed, "I can see inside just fine."

"Tell me what you see," Lanor demanded. She wanted to make sure that there were no surprises for when they go in later.

"Alright, I see..." Hao began, but before he could finish revealing what he was seeing inside, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Huh, is there anybody inside?" A guard appeared at the doorway with his face illuminated by the radiant hilt of his sword, which he used as a flashlight. The guard's focus was keen with suspicion; he began to sweep the room, searching for the source of the voices he had heard.

"You two hide. I'll get rid of him." Scar acted quickly, stepping forward and feigning ignorance. He managed to distract the guard, convincing him that he had merely been searching for a lost bottle of wine to be served to a particular guest upstairs. The guard eyed Scar with lingering doubt but eventually left the cellar with Scar leading him away to ensure Hao and Lanor remained undiscovered.

"They're gone. The coast is clear now," Hao whispered, emerging from behind a stack of wine barrels with Lanor. They both let out a sigh of relief, knowing they had narrowly avoided a dangerous situation.

"Now where were we?"

Hao turned his attention back to the wall, once again using his Vibe Sense to penetrate its depths. As his vision arrived in the room beyond the wall, he discovered an elevator opening. "Hmm... this is…?" Rector stepped into the room, accompanied by his twelve esteemed guests, each of them wearing expressions of awe and curiosity.

Hao focused on the scene unfolding beyond the wall while Rector led his guests through the vault. He could sense the excitement radiating from the esteemed individuals, each of them eager to witness the treasures they had been promised. They ventured deeper into the opulent chamber where they found themselves surrounded by an extraordinary array of precious objects, each one meticulously displayed and lit to showcase its beauty and historical significance.

Rector paused, allowing his guests to take in the splendour of the vault. The room was filled with gasps of astonishment and murmurs of admiration as the guests marvelled at the brilliant artefacts that lay before them. They moved from one exhibit to the next, filled with wonder as they exchanged observations, moreover, sharing their own knowledge and expertise.

One of the guests who was an elderly man with a silver beard and an air of scholarly refinement approached a display case containing a delicate, ancient necklace adorned with meticulously carved jade pendants. "I've spent my entire life studying the history and craftsmanship of jade artefacts," he remarked with reverence, "And I have never seen anything quite like this. The level of detail and precision in these carvings is truly unparalleled."

Another guest, a striking woman with fiery red hair and eyes that glittered like emeralds, was drawn to a set of ornate, jewel-encrusted daggers. "These are simply exquisite. As a collector of rare and unique weapons, I can say without a doubt that these daggers are some of the finest I have ever encountered." she mused, running her fingers lightly over the glass case.

As Rector unveiled more of his collection, the guests continued to marvel at the items, each of them sharing their own insights related to them. It was clear that these were not just casual observers; they were individuals with a deep passion and understanding of the history and craftsmanship behind the treasures before them.

Meanwhile, Rector basked in the praise and admiration of his guests, his arrogant pride swelling with each passing moment. He revelled in their astonishment, knowing that his collection was the envy of the Parkour District and quite possibly even the world. (This was a bit of a stretch though)

"Those rich snobs." Hao continued to observe the scene with his heightened sensory perception, "These are people who truly appreciated the artefacts for their artistic value. I bet they show those trinkets more affection than they do human life."

"What are you mumbling about?" Lanor inquired after listening to him.

"It's nothing. Hmm...?" Hao's Vibe Sense began picking up on the changes in the environment.

"What's happening?" Lanor asked, concern colouring her visage.

"I think they are leaving the vault now," Hao spied as Rector and his guests went back towards the elevator. Before leaving, Rector pulled his sword from his waist and stabbed it like a key into a slot on the wall. This action of his commenced the activation of a series of five battle droids that emerged from beneath the opening in the floor. Their metallic bodies were semi-reflective under the gallery lights, while their glowing red eyes scanned the room for intruders. The droids moved in sync, patrolling the gallery like well-oiled machines. Afterwards, Rector left with his guests, their laughter slowly decreased in volume as they went further out of Vibe Sense's range.