You’re A Sore Loser  

Hao observed the creatures through his Vibe Sense before asking in awe, "Wow, what are these creatures?"

"I've never seen them before." Mentos, too, was curious to know more about them.

Dippo responded with a grin, "These creatures are fresh from a recent Tokyo Palace raid. We call them Sword Fish because of how they are shaped. They are resilient creatures that can lift extremely heavy objects as long as their tanks are full. They'll be quite useful for carrying these brutes in the cage," he gestured toward the beasts. "Consider these a bit of a bonus."

"Wait a minute," Yoad interjected, "You mean you're giving away these Sword Fishes for free? Why are you acting so generous, Dippo? This isn't like you." His suspicion was evident in his tone.

Dippo shot Yoad a threatening glance, lowering his head to be in line with the boy's, and whispered, "Keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you, brat."

"Huh…" Yoad, feeling the weight of the warning, decided to keep quiet.

"Alright, that's it for me," Dippo concluded, knowing he had no further business with them. Whether they got out of the Hallows alive was of no concern to him.

"Thanks for the generosity," Hao told Dippo before turning to the Sword Fishes. "How do I operate these creatures?"

"Just walk, and they'll follow," Dippo explained. "They're highly intelligent creatures."

With a nod, Hao began walking. He and Mentos watched in amazement as the two Sword Fishes rose from the ground and pulled the beast cage effortlessly, their tails securely tied to the cage's stump for better grip.

On their way out of the Beast Holding Lodge, they came across Kiera blocking their path. She must have just woken up because her bandages were barely holding onto her skin, plus, sleep was still evident in her eyes. However, her expression was bitter, especially when she laid eyes on Maelstrom in the cage. She threatened, "That Bastian is mine! I won't let you leave here with it."

"It's ours now," Mentos retorted, stepping protectively in front of Hao.

"We won it fair and square Kiera, even though you cheated during the fight," Yoad chimed in, trying to defend their claim. "Stop being such a sore loser."

Kiera snapped at Yoad, "Shut up, twerp! Ain't nobody talking to you, little shit!"

Mentos came to Yoad's defence, "Don't talk to him that way, otherwise, you'll have to deal with me."

Kiera scoffed, looking at Mentos with disdainful eyes. "Who the hell are you, scruffy-looking man?" she ignored his warning and released her Whip Blade that sent Yoad crashing to the ground.

"You dare…" Mentos wanted to retaliate, but Hao stopped him.

"If you want a rematch, lady, I'll be happy to oblige," Hao confidently challenged.

Kiera's gaze fell on Hao's firm grip on Vibe Edge and somehow she felt uneasy. Her eyes then moved to the X-Class sword positioned on Hao's back. She wondered why he hadn't unsheathed it during their fight. The longer she inspected it, the more she began to sense a powerful aura of death emanating from it. Her eyes drifted between Hao and the ominous weapon, unsure of what to think.

Hao sensed her heart rate speeding up and knew she feared him. Seizing the moment, he removed his hand from Vibe Edge and slowly reached for the hilt of Judgment Day, instilling even more fear in Kiera.

"Hao, what are you doing?" Mentos questioned, casting him a puzzled glance.

Kiera, noticing Mentos' reaction, realized that Judgment Day must be a dangerous weapon. Deciding it wasn't worth the risk, she dropped the matter and walked away. "This isn't over." Her pride was wounded.

Mentos couldn't help but admire her bouncy rump as she stormed off. "That girl was fire, my type of chick."

Hao bumped his shoulder playfully, "Easy, lover boy. Now that we have what we came for, let's get going." They continued on their way out of the Beast Holding Lodge, with the Sword Fishes dutifully pulling the cage behind them.

Yoad, who had been left on the ground, saw them fading away and remembered they hadn't paid him yet. Panicking, he sprang up and chased after them, shouting, "Guys, wait for me! You forgot my split of the Blade Tokens!"

The group ventured further from the Lodge, making their way to the Hallows exit. The Sword Fishes continued to pull the cage effortlessly, and the team's dynamic shifted as they forged onward. Little did they know that the confrontation they had just witnessed would mark the beginning of an epic tale.


Hao, Mentos, and Yoad stood on the bustling Skyship terminal, surrounded by a diverse crowd of travellers eager to return home from the Mile High Depot. The terminal was a hive of activity as people loaded their newly acquired treasures and Beast Companions onto the massive Skyship. Their experience at the Mile High Depot had been a whirlwind of challenges, new friendships, and triumphs, leaving them exhilarated and exhausted in equal measure

Yoad, sporting a broad grin, impatiently tapped his foot as he watched Hao and Mentos load the Bastians into the cargo hold. His eyes sparkled with a thirst for his cut of the Blade Tokens.

"Alright, that's it. They are properly secured now. Thanks for the assist." Hao gave the worker who helped with loading the cargo onto the Skyship a handful of Blade Tokens for his troubles. He then passed on the bag to Mentos for safekeeping.

Throughout this transaction, Yoad's eyes were plastered on the valuable treasure. With a knowing smile, Mentos came over to where he was and handed him a small fraction of Blade Tokens in his hand. He did this specifically to test Yoad's reaction. Receiving this, Yoad's stared at the sight of the shiny tokens, but he hesitated, looking at Mentos expectantly.

"You've earned more than this," Mentos said, giving him a larger pouch filled with tokens. "Just remember to stay out of trouble, kid. I'm sorry we don't have more time to teach you some sick moves, but we have to catch the Skyship before the sun goes down."

Yoad was now overtaken with gratitude at the amount of wealth he had just received. "It's okay. I learned a lot watching the blindy," he was rudely referring to Hao.

"Hey, watch your mouth," Mentos scolded him, but Hao merely chuckled. Over the years, he had become accustomed to such remarks, so they no longer bothered him.

"Attention all passengers! Skyship #BZ1 is about to depart."

A loud voice, echoed throughout the terminal, announcing the imminent departure of the Skyship. Hao and Mentos hurried to secure their spots on board. While they did, Yoad waved goodbye with his grin stretching from ear to ear, fuelled by the prospect of a brighter future with his newfound wealth.

Mentos called out to him, "You better spend that money responsibly. If we ever meet again, you best be doing something other than pickpocketing."

Still waving, Yoad shouted back, "Don't worry, Mr. Mentos! I'll get myself a decent sword and start practising blade arts, so I can become as skilled as you and Mr. Vee!"

"Fhm." Hao smiled at their interaction. When they had first met Yoad, the boy had harboured a deep resentment towards Mentos, but now, it was clear he had come to admire him.

When the Skyship began to rise, Yoad stood at the edge of the platform, watching it disappear into the distance. He hugged the bag of Blade Tokens tightly to his chest and whispered a foreboding question, "With this much money, will I be targeted if I return to the Hallows?"

The Skyship ascended, leaving the Mile High Depot behind; carrying Hao, Mentos, and their newly acquired Beast Companions towards the world beneath the clouds.