Beast Link Contract  

The aftermath of Quory's departure was a storm of emotions. Hao, still nursing his cheek, was cradled by the Sword Fishes. They nuzzled against him, their concern evident in their whines and soft coos. Acadian, however, remained undisturbed, its focus was solely on the pool.

"Are you okay, mate?" Mentos queried, offering his hand to help Hao up.

Hao accepted the offer, wincing as he touched his reddened cheek. "I'm fine," he reassured Mentos while holding a strained note. He stood up, clutching the X-Class sword in his hand. At a glance, one could see that he was very troubled.

"But Vee, you need Vibe Edge to see, right?" Inquired Mentos.

"I'll manage. I'm going to bed," Hao's words were barely audible. His slumped shoulders were a clear sign of his defeat. He was sulking because he was no match for his mother's slap, and that fact was a bitter pill to swallow.

Hao turned his back on the group and stalked away. The door to his room slammed shut behind him. The sound generated was a clear punctuation to the drama that had unfolded.

While Hao was finding solace in the dream world of sleep, Mentos, the ever-restless spirit, chose the comforting embrace of a plush sofa. His mind was abuzz with thoughts of the day's occurrences. The Sword Fishes, Symphy and Euphy, joined him. They all found themselves drawn to the large television screen before them.

Mentos decide to switch it on. The television broadcast a peculiar show, one that piqued Mentos' interest – 'The Bastian Chronicles.' This was no ordinary entertainment. It was an insightful display of the Bastian culture, their traditions and their unique relationship with their masters. In this episode, they explored the enigmatic concept of the Beast Link, a term that stirred curiosity within Mentos.

"Beast Link?" he stuttered with his gaze fixated on the screen.

Beast Link, as the program explained, was a unique bond formed between someone and a Bastian. It was a sacred contract, a merging of consciousness, a deep, profound connection that transcended the bounds of friendship and loyalty. The bond allowed for communication beyond words and gestures, enabling the beast master to tap into the raw emotions, instincts, and thoughts of the Bastian, and vice versa.

"Hmm…" An idea began to germinate in Mentos' mind. He glanced at the Sword Fishes, considering the possibility of forming a Beast Link with them. But he quickly dismissed the idea; the Sword Fishes held a stronger affinity for Hao. He could see it in the way their fins fluttered when Hao was around, in the way they circled him, their silent protector. Mentos sighed, slightly disheartened but understanding. His eyes fell upon Acadian, who lay curled up on the floor. A then smirk spread across his face. "Acadian, old chum, how about a little adventure?"

Intrigued by the prospect of forming a Beast Link, Mentos followed the step-by-step guide displayed on the television. He went over to Acadian and then began using his palms to trace the air above him, forming intricate symbols that glowed a brilliant pink.


The symbols were a language of their own, a dialogue between master and Bastian. With every stroke, Mentos felt an invisible cord of energy pulling him closer to Acadian, their minds began to intertwine in a strange way.

From the side, the Sword Fishes watched in bewilderment, their fins were twitching in sync with the pulsating symbols. They swam in circles, eyes wide with curiosity, unable to comprehend what was transpiring.

All of a sudden, the Beast Link process was interrupted when a surge of emotions flooded Mentos' mind, it was a jumble of memories not his own. He saw a face, the face of a woman, Kiera.

"Huh, this is…?" A pang of realization hit him - Acadian's former owner. His heart twinged at the sight of her smiling face, and he wondered if she was still alive. Due to this, he had to halt the Beast Link contract. The glowing symbols faded and severed the connection, leaving Mentos panting slightly.

"This is a hindrance. I'll have to try again some other time."

The room fell into silence. Mentos looked at Acadian, his mind awash with the beast's memories, their incomplete connection left a bitter aftertaste. He sighed, knowing he would need to tread carefully if he wished to form a successful Beast Link with Acadian in the future.

In the same breath of Mentos' failure, elsewhere in the vibrant heart of Portal Bay, Kiera, an undeniable force of nature, had her sights locked onto the path ahead. Flanking her were her unwilling companions - Yoad, a young lad with a sense of adventure and his Bastian, Barkcode, a creature as unique as its name suggested.

The city pulsated with life, rivalling that of a thousand suns, but Kiera's focus remained unwavering, all these wondrous sights held no sway over her driven gaze.

"Brat, what are those two punk friends of yours called?" Kiera inquired, looking at Yoad, her tone was icy as the cold steel of her Whip Blade.

"…" Seconds after the question was delivered, Yoad remained tight-lipped. However, Kiera was not one to be denied.

"Didn't you hear me brat?" With a swift move, she delivered a sharp slap across Yoad's face, shocking him into submission. PLOW! The sudden action drew the attention of a nearby couple that was walking by, looking on, their expressions were riddled with horror. The unabashed Kiera retorted, "Have a problem? Mind your own damn business!" Her words harshly pierced the ears of the couple which caused them to speed up their steps. "Yeah, you better run." She commented afterwards.

'She's so damn bossy.' Thought Yoad. He was careful not to say this out loud or he risk getting another slap to his face. 'It hurts.' He rubbed the livid imprint with his palm but only briefly, being careful not to agitate the blemish.

Directly in their line of sight stood a massive screen, showcasing the animated advert of Sphero's Inc. The screen came to life like a technicolour marvel that dominated the cityscape. Quory Vee, a woman of great importance, was the prominent figure on the ad, her presence was commanding despite being just a digital representation. Each pixel wove an image of her elegance in exquisite details, it was an undeniable charm that entrance the audience. It was as if her very essence had been distilled and projected onto the screen.

"Hmm, that screen there…?" Kiera's eyes narrowed at it. Amid her burning rage, a spark of curiosity ignited. "Is it just me or does that woman look like the spitting image of that blind lunatic?" She was referring to Hao while her gaze was fixed on Quory's digital avatar.

Yoad, still smarting from the slap, took a moment to carefully study the screen. His mind teetered on the edge of disbelief and acceptance. "But it can't be...that woman looks very important. Mr Mentos and the blind guy aren't that important, otherwise, they wouldn't have been shopping for a Bastian in a place like the Hallows, right?" He questioned.

Kiera scoffed at his words, "Don't look at me like that, brat. My gut is telling me that they are related. We're going to Sphero's Inc to find more clues. It isn't that far from here." Her gaze shifted to the towering structure in the distance. With a firm grip, she grabbed Yoad by the back of his shirt, hoisting him onto Barkcode.

"Hey, careful!" A sense of bitter resentment washed over Yoad as he was forced to take the back seat on his own Bastian. His arms wrapped securely around Kiera's waist, but the proximity unsettled him. "You better not fart on me," he warned her.

Kiera barked a laugh, "Watch your mouth, brat, or I just might!" Her words brimmed with mischief as she spurred Barkcode on the main road heading towards Sphero's Inc. The cityscape of Portal Bay blurred past them.