Impressive Blind Fury  


"Hey, hold up!" Hao could detect Lanor's high-speed movements bashing against the droplets on her way towards him. "Heck." He struggled to grip the sword properly with Wheelz. He had to toss away the scabbard in order to block Lanor's attack.


Brilliant sparks flew when the blades contacted each other, causing the surrounding raindrops to instantly evaporate.

"Hey, I wasn't ready. What's your deal?" Hao pushed back against Lanor before tilting his weapon and flipping backwards.

Lanor came at him again. "A true Blade Master's senses should always be sharp and ready for a fight."

This time he dodged her trust instead of parrying. "Since when have you become this wise old grandma? Don't forget that the last time we had a duel, I kicked your butt."

"I'm well aware of that. But I've been practising." She launched her Rapier forward. "This time will be different."

"Of course, it will. I'm at a disadvantage here." He shifted his head to avoid impalement. "Not only has my sight dwindled but my arm is also done for."

"Enough excuses. Stand and fight me!" Lanor grew tired of Hao running away from her. Thus, she got low and struck the ground. BOOM! Her Rapier released a brilliant glow that rippled through the puddle, disseminating the particles into myriads of resplendent orbs that raised up and began oscillating around Hao like a barrier.

"Hmm, what is this?" Although he couldn't see the globular radiances circling him, he could sense their chilling presence.

"You're trapped within my Resplendent Vacuum. The only way to escape is by besting me in battle. Think you're up for the task?" She aimed her sword at him from the small distance between them.


A mouthful of saliva scraped Hao's throat as he swallowed his fright. He smiled, portraying a confident façade as if Lanor's ability didn't faze him. "I'm always up for the task." He alighted in a more balanced stance with Wheelz held diagonally before him and the sword tip touching the ground. Before dashing into an impulsive frontal assault, Hao wanted to know what he was up against. Therefore, he sliced through one of the glowing orbs.


As a result, he heard a popping sound followed by multiple frequencies shooting towards him. "Huh!" These frequencies were in the shape of many tiny light swords. Hao rolled out of the way but a few managed to graze his jawline. He touched it and found traces of blood.

'She's not messing around.' He thought.

Lanor read him like an open book and said, "Now you understand what you're up against. You better not make this too easy for me."


'She's coming!' Hao used his low position to his advantage to slide across the puddle and slash at Lanor's lower half.

"Sneaking, but futile." She hopped over his strike like a rabbit and in that same breath, lowered her Rapier towards him.

Hao sensed the descending sharpness approaching his nape and timely positioned Judgment Day to absorb the attack. He slid out of her reach then faced her. 'She's fast, that much is certain and these things she has rotating around me are restricting my movement.' His head lowered towards Wheelz. 'This sword feels like paper in my grasp. It's difficult to wield it properly.'

"What are you standing idle for?" Lanor broke his contemplation with an around-the-world downward slash.

CLANG! Their blades met once more. While their contact lasted, Hao reached for Judgment Day and swung it fiercely at his target, slapping her away like a fly.

"Hey, what was that?" Lanor regained her footing and glared ahead. Her gaze narrowed in on the X-Class relic. "You're not supposed to use that sword during our sparring session."

Hao picked up on her livid tone and responded, "You didn't say I couldn't use it earlier. Besides, this even things out, don't you think."

"Bastard!" Lanor cursed upon seeing Hao's smirk. Despite knowing that her mother had placed a seal on Judgment Day, she still feared getting hit by it. After learning how it absorbed Patch and the other gang member, she became very wary and kept her distance from it.

"What's the matter?" Identifying that Lanor wasn't making any rash moves towards him again, Hao gloated. "You scared of this weapon so much that you're frozen like a statue? Very well, I won't use it against you anymore." He began securing Judgment Day at his back. "I wouldn't want you to start pissing yourself and blamed it on the rain." He chuckled.

"You fowl mouth cur! I'm not scared!" Lanor's rage seeped into her limbs, forcing her to launch herself like a rocket towards her opponent. "I'll show you who's frightened! Burn Bright!" The tip of Rapier swelled with an orbital glow that began to shrink after shooting out a deadly laser beam.


The attack was so noise worthy and bright that it interrupted the children's fun time, compelling them to stop and observe the fight.

"How was that!?" Lanor glanced beyond her dissipating laser blast to see if Hao was still in one piece. To her dismay, his heart was beating loud and heavy. What saved him from becoming strewn about the compound like garbage was Wheelz. He had expanded it at the right moment to deflect the blast.

"Are you insane lady? That could have seriously hurt." Hao hollered hotly, which caused ripples to flow through the puddle.

"That was the whole idea. Count yourself lucky that you survived." Lanor was unapologetic, which made Hao angrier.

"I see how you want to play this. In that case, I'll also get serious." A blue aura began to radiate around Hao. 'Blind Fury.' He switched the sword to his right hand and then shot off like a shooting star towards Lanor.

"He's fast!" Her heart almost escaped her mouth when she recognized how close Hao was, moreover, how quick and precise his sword was swinging. SLASH! SLASH! SLASH! 'Is he trying to chop my head off?' She was in disbelief. 'He seemed possessed by a demon!'

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Hao's sword continued to abuse Lanor nonstop. The kids became frightened when they saw how he was moving. "Big sis might be in danger."

"Don't get too cocky! RAH!" In response to Hao's brutal advance, Lanor commanded her Resplendent Vacuum to release its sharpness at him. Millions of tiny light swords were dazzling towards their target, cutting through the air like a swarm of bees.

"Huh!" Although he heard them coming, he kept on pressing Lanor like the buttons on a keyboard. Eventually, the light swords caught up and he couldn't outmanoeuvre them.

'He's finished.' Lanor thought. But she received the shock of her life when she witness what Hao did next.

Operating Wheelz in its enlarged state, Hao turned, faced the incoming swarm of bees then lifted his arm really high before viciously slamming it into the ground. BOOM! He used the upheaved portion of the earth as a shield against the myriad of light swords. Not one of them got to sting him directly.

"What the hell. He could do that?" Lanor gasped. This was something she didn't expect Hao to pull off, and to make matters worse, it didn't end there. She noticed him rushing towards her like a rabid dog. "Stay away!" She clapped her Rapier against the moist ground which created a shooting wave of light energy as she ran.

"Going somewhere?" Hao easily evaded the attack, subsequently, he fired off Wheelz's grappler and latched onto Lanor's foot. "Get over here!" He reeled her in rather brutally with her body rubbing against the rough ground until her naughty areas began to show. His sword was already set in position to strike her when she arrived.

"Big sis!" The kids' worry became more pronounced as they feared what would happen next.

"Eek!" Lanor also began to panic. "I yield! I yield!" She threw in the towel but it was too late. Hao's sword was descending rapidly towards her chest. It seemed there was no stopping it. But then…


Out of nowhere, a dagger came knocking the sword away. It barely missed impaling Lanor's chest. Instead, it sunk deep into the concrete.

"Raven?" Lanor noticed her presence to the side, rushing over. She shifted her gaze back to Hao who towered over her like a menacing character. His blue aura began to fade then his knees wobbled. He appeared to have lost consciousness as he fell atop Lanor, face deep in her scrumptious bosom. "Huh, he passed out?" This was an embarrassing moment for her.

"Lanor, you ok?" Raven came along and kicked Hao off of Lanor like he was a piece of garbage. Next, she hopped on top of him with her remaining dagger pressed at his neck. "I'm going to cut you up real good."

"Raven don't!" Lanor stopped her from slitting Hao's unconscious neck.

"But he could have almost killed you if I hadn't intervened. Are you saying I should spare his smelly life?" Raven was puzzled.

"Yes." Lanor pleaded.

"What's going on here?" Shortly, Vicky came out to see Raven sitting on top of Hao in the rain with her dagger aiming for the kill strike.

"Mum, we were just having a little sparring match, that's all," Lanor explained.

"Little spar…?" Vicky's eyes fell upon the ground upheaval in the compound and furrowed her brows in anger. "Make sure not to dig up the front of the driveway." After saying this, she rolled back inside the warehouse. The sound of the gears on her wheelchair creaking was drowned by the pouring rain.

"Help me bring him inside." Lanor requested Raven's aid to carry Hao's body but she blatantly refused.

"Do it yourself." She retrieved her dagger and walked away, leaving Lanor with the lifting task. But not to worry, for the Sword Fishes came along and gladly lifted Hao inside, out of the rain.