
Twenty minutes had passed since speaking to Elle. In this time Leek had finished his stroll, taking in the scenery at an enhanced feeling of anticipation. The arrival of a man had also caught his eye in the time.

Leek changed his objective to the man, who rode atop an ass-drawn wagon that slowly hauled himself through the villages jagged road. His eyes drawing to no sights as he continued forward, waiting for nothing.

-Leek: "Yeah, he seems about right." Leek had confirmed with his own conscious, the identity of the man. In this he directed his brisk charge towards the man, and his wagon; waiving as he got closer.

When he was within few feet of the man Leek noticed that every flailing attempt to draw the mans attention were in vein, as he took no note of his presence. Though he did acknowledge Leek when he was in a small vicinity.

The man was fairly hairy throughout his face. He had brown bushy enough to hide his eyes, and his mustache connecting to an untamed beard that concealed even his jaw.

His eyebrows had risen, though not enough to reveal the color of his pupils, and followed with a straight question. His tone not seeking to fraternize, or befriend.

-Guide: "To where are you headed Boy, and can your satchel take you that far?" He pulled for his ass to slow its pace, giving proper time for conversation.

-Leek: His reply came as a reflex, "Oh... the Guild Capital, Faerilm!"

-Guide: "Yeah, yeah. You children are always fighting to sign your life away, at any given chance at fame or fortune." Strong disdain sourced from his strung words. "When I worked, we'd set our on our own. Not relying on some bullshit system to decide if we're 'ready.' Instead we actually knew what we were capable of."

The words he spoke held not only a sense of criticism, but also one of reminiscence; nothing good coming of the nostalgia he dipped into.

-Leek: Neglecting the awkward stance he held, in comparison to the man, Leek continued with the topic. "I get that. But you can't get away from the Guild nowadays, idk specifically but they most definitely have a monopoly on trade and profession."

He knew of his own ignorance regarding the matter of Guild structure in this game. He had yet to experience anything related in its current state, but he inferred his response from the Fallen Arc he played so long ago.

-Guide: "Yeah, I know. You have no choice anymore really, its a real shame. To change such a thing you'd need aid from every Marquess, here and until the ruins of Belvath." Following this statement he pointed his hand out, "And we all know none of those scum will give up their taxable income."

Tiring of speaking the man, who was slightly animated for this short period of time, retreated back into his reclusive nature.

*Bing* a brief chime rang out. 'You have gained favor of the Traveling Guide.'

Paying little attention to the sudden presence of the notification Leek simply paid his mind to the man before him, anticipating him to continue on.

-Guide: "Anyways, you seem like a fairly honest young man. I'll spare you anymore of my rant, that is till we've departed enough where you'd be forced to listen." Breaking face, the man let out a sultry chuckle.

In his amusement Leek got into the back of the wagon. On both sides of the wagons walls were a plank that stuck out, doing so below the safety railing.

Leek pulled himself up into it, not noticing before just how elevated it was. As he did so, having taken his seat right behind the Guide, on his left, a prompt popped into existence.

'Do You Wish To Fast Travel To Your Location, Log-Out, Or Remain In-Game!?'

-Leek: "Hmm... Might as well take the man up on his offer." He went about pressing the 'Remain In Game' section of the prompt.


Hours had passed as the two men traveled along the fairly quiet roads, having only passed a few lonely travellers.

Those who did parallel Leek and the Guide in travel gave no notice to their presence, outside of the space they consumed on the hastily created roads.

Stories were exchanged amongst the men. Tall tales of grandeur and spectacle found themselves being switched in/out as the Guide gave his accounts of them. Leek remained attached to his near every word, holding onto the fantasy given to him.

*Bing* 'You have achieved a non-formal relationship with Sebast, the Travel Guide!'

-Leek: A smile had been stuck to his face long enough that speaking ached. "It has been a while, the Sun has gotten fairly high," a yawn ripped his face apart, in feeling. "I'll need some sleep soon. Can you wake me before we arrive?"

-Sebast: The man, whose eyes could actually be seen through the thick hair on his face, spoke. "Young Man, take your needed rest. Unlike you this is nothing to me." His eyes, matching his hair in color, showed no disdain to Leeks request.

To this Leek gestured, as if to press the wagon itself. He did so to reveal the hidden prompt he had reached out for, 'Do You Wish To Fast Travel, Or Log-Out?'

Little thought went into his choice, 'Fast Travel' as he had already confirmed his stance with Sebast, the man he chose to stay awake with.

The result of this was him falling into a deep sleep, his body remaining perfectly upright as the cart continued forward.


Sebast had finally reached the main roads, the sleeping passenger behind him not knowing of such.

The travel along these sets of roads became sectioned, requiring of payment to conscript permitted passage through these private roads.

Drawing from his own pockets to pay the tax, per person, Sebast quietly provided the funds. Though he could he did not go about waking Leek to reimburse him for his troubles.


The Sun had a particularly strong beam, it casually piercing through my tightly closed eyelids. What reason could explain why I can't just remain asleep for a while longer, getting my much needed rest.

Leek opened his eyes to give context to his situation, waking to immediate attention.

A canopy of trees lined his view, their coverage hanging above the pathway, shrouding it in a trapped shadow.

The speed he moved at gave a soothing feeling as he watched the layers of greenery march at different paces, the further they were longer they remained in sight.

Poking through the confined space, between the tall tree thicket was the Sun. The occasional beam of light would flicker over Leeks face, giving a brief stun to his sight.

When looking across the wagon to view what was walled behind it Leek had overlooked an interesting aspect to his transportation. There were people in a similar comatose like state, sleeping through the ride.

Five men beside him all had yet to wake, simply swaying lightly as the uneven road gave to bumps as they went along.

-Leek: Through the minor daze he had, not looking for an answer, he asked, "Where did they come from."

"You expect to take public transportation and be all alone... did you!?" These words appeared out of nowhere, the unhindered chuckle prefacing it was also startling in nature.

The sound projected from behind his head, hiding behind the concealing underbrush as to not reveal itself. 

Now coming from inside the wagon Leek understood that one of the five men accompanying him were likely the origin of the voice.

-???: "Hey, don't let me get you all paranoid Mister!" The individual to Leeks right, diagonally, popped his eyes open, animated enough to seem uncanny. "I'm just havin a bit of fun, lighten up a bit!" He had a large grin, flaunting his fairly straight teeth.

The clothing on his body all hid a dark tint of green. Concealing his hair was a hat, a Tudor flat cap, or the ones that bards and musicians are know to wear in fantasy worlds.

His hip made partner of a thin but lengthy piece of metalwork, a mix between longsword and rapier; the hilt black to the point it stood out.

-???: "No mean to intrude, but I recommend you refine those skills of yours. I was barely even using a basic level Ventriloquism skill!" Taking a stand the man turned his back to Leek, placing his right leg on the wagons seat.

His left hand had been brought up to his head, preventing his swaying hat from being taken by the wind.

-Eliysha: "But lemme guess, thats already why you're headed for the Capital!" His hand still held onto his hat, the feather poking from it somehow not coming loose. "Anyways Mister, don't let yourself get too close to the Sun, for you'll burn out; nor should you bend your will for any man!"

With his words Eliysha, whose name had appeared above his head unprompted, casually jumped into the shaded road. Taking to the underbrush that quickly swallowed his body, only his torso being seen, with his right arm in a backhanded wave.

Confusion had struck Leek as to what had just occurred, disregarding even the fact he was a direct participant in the interaction. He simply stared at the man as he faded from view.

Before he could gather his thoughts properly the flickering beams of lights had changed.

Suddenly the beams had bound together. Becoming unbroken, an ocean to the eyes. Nothing impeded the view, one vast enough that at any distance you could get lost in it.

As they were atop an incline it gave the wagon a heightened sense of grandeur. Any other travellers on the many winding roads in sight were nothing more than a speck when put into perspective.

He could stare no longer as his eyes had teared up, needing to be wiped to avoid seeming emotional. They had even begun to strain as he tried to keep them open past the point of comfortability.

-Sebast: "We're here Young Man." His stern voice had commanded any who heard to take notice.

The intensity of the Sun had died a bit, his pupils having adjusted. He turned to Sebast, looking past him to the city of Faerilm.

The Sun once again attempted to blind him, failing to do so this time. With the amount of exposure to the sea that he had only mildly flinch. The content came into the foreground, having been hidden by the overstimulating feeling from before.

A city of fantasy. A fortress-like wall was stationed around the cities, rough in shape, circumference. This fortified exterior was connected directly into the mountainous mass of rock that towered the capital many heights over, protecting its back from any problem.

Numerous sections of the city distinctly shown their stature above the others, surpassing the others around them.

There was a pattern to discern why specific section were set higher than others, but there was a lack of context to figure it out.

-Sebast: "It never loses its wonder, just feels a tad bit more familiar." He became more gentle in the face, his expression.

The time was just before mid-day, this let the Sun remain stationed directly above in the sky.

It hung above the city at a close enough angle to give it a lively shine. Very little seeming to ever go wrong inside its walls.

-Leek: Fastened temporary to the cities introduction he spoke, "Yeah. I might just have to stay here a while..."

The wagon could not have arrived any sooner, anticipation only grew as the roughly paved ground near the trees refined itself. Allowing the wagon to level and smoothly approach.