First Impression Went Off Not the Best

In front of the main gate stood a yellow sport car. At the sight of it, David thought he might have expected something so cliché from a rich Norwegian, but the sight of the car nevertheless impressed him. You didn't see such cars in this area. In fact, David had never seen one like it in person. He suspected that throughout his life he would not earn as much money as the car cost. So this is really the owner? He breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you sighing so much?" The man looked at him suspiciously.

"No, nothing."

"Then get in," the man turned off the central lock.

At the thought of having to get into such an expensive car, David felt excitement. He obediently followed the command. After a while, the man took the driver's seat. The boy was unable to raise his eyes to him immersed in the delight of being inside an automotive legend.. He noticed only the sleeve of driver's shirt - purple with white stripes. It gave the impression of being expensive and delicate. Well, if he was who he claimed to be, he must have been pretty well stuffed.

"So where are we going?"

"Straight ahead. After the village there will be about a kilometer of fields and another village. The first house on the left."

The man started the engine and took off.

David smelled a pleasant fragrance flowing from him with some kind of woody-floral note. He was not familiar with perfumes, but these smelled expensive. They were subtle, yet somehow appealing. He compared them to his eau de toilette and felt ashamed. It wasn't bad, he even spent quite a bit on it, but he was painfully aware of the difference in class.

"Is it here?" asked the man slowing down.


The car pulled over and they both got out. David was still embarrassed to look at the man, who might turn out to be the man for whom his father's company and consequently himself work. If, after today's events, Meiden didn't want to continue working together, he didn't know how he would explain this to his father. If, because of him, they didn't get a contract, his father would either bust his ass or simply throw him out of the house.

David sighed, cursing tonight in his mind. Could it have turned out worse? He suddenly trembled. The evening wasn't over yet so who knows what else awaits him?

Their dog had been barking for quite a while and David saw movement behind the kitchen curtain. His mother must have already seen that he had arrived in a strange car and was leading a strange man into the house. He hoped she wasn't imagining something bad now, like a policeman driving him away. But policeman in such a car? No way. She will probably notice that his clothes are heavily soiled. She definitely will be puzzled. He wondered if she will be angry with him because of dirty clothes?

It only took her a moment to appear at the front door. She was not angry, rather frightened. Although no, her facial expression quickly became something else....

"Good evening," the man bowed to her. "I am Gustav Meiden. I was informed that at your place I will get the keys to my house."

David looked puzzled at his mother, who was standing in the doorway as if enchanted, driving a full gaze of admiration into the newcomer. Annoyed, he looked at him for the first time in the light. Meiden's profile was visible in the light coming from the hallway.

Gustav Meiden had a long fringe that obscured almost half his face and hair that was almost shoulder-length, light blond or red - in this light it was difficult to judge. His jaw was clearly defined, very masculine, his nose was long, his mouth narrow. His eyes were very bright green, with a faint hint of amber brown. He could have been about thirty years old, David estimated, or even less, and he even looked good. He could definitely appeal to women. But his mother definitely shouldn't react to seeing him like a delighted teenager.

"I'll go get father," stated David embarrassed by his mother's behavior and quickly passed her entering the house. "It will take a while, because he broke his leg and moves around on crutches."

He noticed that his mother had finally cooled down and began to invite the guest inside. They didn't have a living room or playroom in the house, but there was a room on the first floor for receiving guests. Mother cleaned it regularly, even though no one lived there, and kept it tidy for a annual priest's visit after the Christmas, whom, by the way, they always received there.

Father heard a commotion and emerged swinging from the kitchen.

"Who is it?" He asked his son.

"Gustav Meiden"

"What? That is impossible! He was not due until tomorrow!"

"I know, I ran into him today outside the palace. He says he arrived early. I guess you have to give him the keys, huh?"

"Bring them. You know where they are."

Of course he knew, because since his father had broken his leg, he had personally acted as the key man. He pulled them out of the drawer and went into the room, where his mother was twitching offering the guest a treat.

"I really thank you, but I'm tired from the long trip and would like to just lie down in my house and rest."

"Not everything is completely done there yet," the father scratched his head. "David, my son, was supposed to finish everything tomorrow before your arrival...."

"It's not a problem. I know I'm early."

"My brother was supposed to show you around tomorrow and show you everything...."

"Thank you, I can handle it myself."

"...Unless David does it today...."

Meiden looked annoyed, however, he smiled politely although giving David an artificial smile and glanced in his direction.

"Fine," he said without a moment's hesitation.

David wanted to say something with an objection, but one look at his parents was enough for him to give up. They really cared about making the best possible impression on a man who could afford to buy and restore an 18th century palace and its surrounding park.

Well, money has always given people certain privileges.

"I'll just change quickly and get a sweatshirt, because the night is getting cold..."

He glanced at Meiden and found that his bright green eyes were even colder.

Well, beautiful, he thought. Things are not going to go too smoothly for him tonight with this guy.


David's father was a gardener and ran a small ornamental plant farm. Nothing big, he certainly wasn't a myopic grower. There was enough for bills and life, but not necessarily for vacations anymore. When a competition was announced for the renovation of the historic palace and its surroundings, he saw it as a huge opportunity. He entered his company together with his brother's construction company, and as a close-knit duo they put their hearts into the work as soon as it was announced that they had won. The palace was a huge challenge, and so was the park, but a wealthy client from Norway, a descendant of the original owners, had the foresight to restore the heritage to its glory and did not begrudge the money.

Such a large area required constant care, pruning, cutting and planting of trees and shrubs, lawn care and an English-style garden, which David worked especially hard on. The wealthy gentleman from Norway will not be able to do everything himself, so he will need workers. It was with the prospect of long-term cooperation that everyone tremblingly awaited Meiden's arrival. They wanted to make the best first impression on him.

Meanwhile, the first impression came off rather badly, and this was thanks to David's inattention. So he will have to do everything in his power to make the second one come off perfectly.