However, the Devil Is Scarier Than He Thought

No one else was around, so it was probably Meiden who threw David the water.

"Thank you," smiled David taking the bottle. He was really pleased, and not just because he was thirsty and was given a drink. The Norwegian was quite a difficult, sometimes unpleasant man, but it seemed that he was decent nonetheless. Not such a scary devil as he seemed at first.

The boy drank in large gulps. He emptied half a bottle in one go, not really paying attention to the fact that the water was dripping from the corners of his mouth and dripping onto his sweat-wet undershirt. He set the bottle down, sighed loudly with satisfaction and wiped his face with the top of his hand. At the same moment, he noticed Meiden disappear into the outer door of his office.

For some reason, this saddened David. It's not that he sought Meiden's company, but the man's green, sad eyes were so lonely that the boy felt sorry for him. Meiden had come to this foreign country, where he had no one, knew no one (well, except maybe Krauze) and didn't really even have anyone to open his mouth to. He spent a whole week here alone, as if he were in some kind of exile. It wasn't natural and certainly not healthy. Maybe Meiden is just terribly shy and afraid to go out to people? But to David he went out and gave him a bottle of water. He didn't, however, get a conversation, even a business one. Can a person really carry such loneliness well?

But Meiden was a grown man, on top of his boss, so David, although he sympathized with him, did not find the courage to initiate a conversation. Rested and watered, he simply returned to his work.

Meiden didn't leave the house again, but David, who sometimes had the palace in his sights, seemed to spot him in the study window looking out toward the lawn and working boy.


The gardening work planned for today had already come to an end and David, with a broad smile, entered the house wanting to report back to the client and inform him that he would show up in a few days. Meiden, who was just sitting in front of his laptop monitor looked at him quickly and then looked away.

"The locks are creaking," he said. "Not all of them, but it's terribly annoying. Couldn't you do something about it? I don't like having strangers around. I'll pay."

David, who had slightly different plans (he wanted to drop by Jarek's place and play with him on the computer) smiled again.

"It's okay," he stated. He felt sorry for the Norwegian, alone in a big house, in a completely foreign country. "Which doors are these?"

"Could you check them all?

All of them?! he exclaimed in his mind.

Well, let it be, he gave up quickly. True, it will consume most of his day, but if he does everything right now, he won't have to do it later.

As he expected, it took him plenty of time to check and oil all the doors. He was glad he stopped by the store in the morning, because he got hungry twice. He noticed Meiden sitting locked in his office the whole time. Not once did he head to the kitchen for some snack or coffee. Perhaps he had everything on hand?

Not that it was of any great importance for David.

Absorbed in his work, he suddenly noticed that it had become dark. Impossible that it was already night. And he couldn't lose his sense of time that much. He went to the window of the upstairs room, where he had just checked that the lock was working properly, and saw that the sky had clouded over heavily.

Really, is it going to rain now? Now that he had watered all the plants in the morning?

He sighed heavily.

He suddenly realized that these clouds were too extensive and too heavy to herald a passing summer rain. It's going to pour, and it's going to pour decently. Who knows when it will stop raining? He should get home before that happens. There were only three doors left for him to check, so he did the rally at an express pace and ran downstairs directly to the study.

He knocked, but there was no answer. He repeated the action with the same result.

I guess he didn't faint from hunger, huh?

He timidly swung the door open.

"Mr. Meiden, are you here?" He asked looking around the office.

No, he was out of sight. He wasn't at his desk or under it, as far as he could see. Instead, he clearly noticed a set of keys lying on the countertop.

Where had he disappeared to at this hour? It may not have been that late, but darker and darker clouds covered the sky, promising serious rainfall. Who knows if a thunderstorm would come. David would really like to make it home in time for it. But how is he supposed to do that, since the owner has left his keys and disappeared somewhere? If he locks the house with his own, the Norwegian won't get inside, and if he leaves the house open, he will expose it to theft and himself to the base wrath of his boss.

What to do here? What to do?

But wait, isn't the laptop screen backlit by any chance? David didn't know if Meiden had his screen saver set, but if so, that would mean he was still here a few minutes ago. Maybe he went out that door into the park?

David moved toward them to look around outside, but curiosity won out. He glanced toward the screen. Was it a text? Just what was it?

He probably wouldn't understand it anyway. Ba, he won't even read it. Meiden probably writes in his native language. David did not know Norwegian, English as such, but he was curious to see what the Norwegian letters looked like. He looked more carefully at the text. "Ś"? "Ż"? What's going on? After all, it's Polish. Surprised, he read a few words:

The boy's body, glistening from the sun reflecting off his sweaty skin, caused Alfred physical anxiety. It had been a long time since he had seen such a beautiful and voluptuous figure, as masculine as it was delicate. He longed to approach and embrace his beautiful gardener and then slip his hand into his pants. He longed to touch him, to caress him...

"What the hell?" David recoiled in surprise, horrified but also strangely concerned. What kind of shit does Meiden have on his computer? And why did these shit make him feel a sudden heat stroke and dryness in his throat? He swallowed his saliva with difficulty and leaned over the monitor.

He longed to touch him, to caress his manhood, which, he was sure, would come alive under his touch thirsting for a secret, unknown pleasure...

Suddenly David felt a breath of cool air and strong arms embraced him from behind preventing movement.

"Not nice to read other people's documents," hissed a familiar voice. Gustav Meiden!

"It was an accident! And anyway..." David did not know what to say. He had been caught violating his boss's privacy and couldn't get out of it.

"Did it excite you?" Meiden interrupted him roughly.

Did it excite him? David trembled. His heart was beating harder and he felt traces of reaction in his pants, but no way in hell would he admit it.

"What? No, it didn't... But it was like a description of this morning!"

"Yes, it was."

David's heart hit harder. Does this mean that Gustav Meiden took him as the hero of his gay fantasies? E... seriously? David moved restlessly.

"Please let me go!"

"Not yet, or you'll escape me, and we need to talk for a while. You see, you deserve to be punished for snooping around in my documents."

David felt a surge of frustration.

"I didn't mouse around in anything! The laptop was open and the document was displaying," he tried to explain everything. "I was curious to see what the Norwegian letters looked like, so I took a peek. If I had known you were writing in Polish, I wouldn't have looked at the screen, I swear! What... what are you doing?"

One hand was still firmly embracing David from behind when the other meanwhile ran down and slid down his pants to where David's manhood was hiding.

David's body froze. Only his heart was beating too hard for some reason…