He Finally Asked This Question

To make a successful barbecue you needed: the right place, good weather, coals, some meat or sausages, the right company and beer. This Saturday, of the ingredients listed, all were provided. The grove and meadow by the pond had three brick barbecues, only one of which was occupied before the team led by Philip showed up. The boy, who is gifted with natural leadership skills, immediately scrambled everyone into action. The coals were already burning, the meat and sausages were sizzling pleasantly, music was coming from the car radio on and one six-pack was almost empty.

David barely touched his beer. He was too upset that the Kręglicka sisters had not shown up. They were both supposed to be there, it was confirmed with Jarek, who had invited the girls. The girls should have arrived soon. They were the only ones who were late. All the rest had long since made themselves comfortable on the grass and seats made of stumps.