Pleasantly Comfortable at His Side

The impression was extraordinary. Stunning, one could have said. David, however, could not speak, as his mouth was seized by Gustav's lips. Ah, that sweet, wet kiss for him could last forever!

But he could not forget the rest of his body, which trembled under Gustav's touch with an urgent shyness. Now it was different from before. Previously the Norwegian had toyed with him, cold and calculating, now he was giving him back the hot passion burning in his veins. Now it wasn't a joke, it wasn't a punishment, it was for real.

David's heart hit harder. So Gustav was really serious...?

He felt fear. How serious does Gustav want to get? How far is David willing to go? And how far will he let him go?

As far as he wants, flashed through David's mind. He didn't have time to think further, because the passion with which Meiden was caressing him was already producing results. David felt his body dissolving in a sea of pleasure....