Clouds in the Sky of the Young Summer

Meiden didn't even notice when they stood in front of a large alcove filled with tables and surrounded by various bars serving food. There were three popular Western fast food chains, a kebab stand and something that shimmered as Polish cuisine. The place was quite noisy and crowded, and normally he would have preferred to choose something completely different, but today he paid no attention to that. He wasn't even that hungry. He just wanted to get out of people's sight and mingling with the crowd was a good tactic in his opinion.

"How about this?" he pointed to Polish cuisine. "Do you think they have anything besides pierogi?"

"Don't you like pierogi?"

"I've never eaten them. I want the ones from your mother to be my first."

"They'll probably have potato pancakes," pondered David. "How about Hungarian style?"

"There's a lot of Hungarian dishes in Polish cuisine," Medien pulled his eyebrows together.