A Place Without Him

David stared at his mother completely stunned. The news she gave him was so shocking that he was unable to react to it like turning into a pillar of salt.

"Show this draft," instructed his father in an indifferent tone, and David reflexively walked to the table and handed him the printout. The information that so shocked David made no impression on him. Because why should it? He and Gustav had never even seen each other after first day. Gustav and David, on the other hand....

"Did I hear right?" he asked his mother, who was just pouring water into her mug spreading the aroma of coffee through the kitchen. "Mr. Meiden left?"

"Yes. He said it was an emergency trip, so he couldn't give you any advance notice."

"It looks nice," praised the father. "See how capable our son is."

The design was now in the hand of the mother, who squealed with delight.

"How pretty it is! How romantic! Beautiful rosarium! Truly like from some Sigurd Gustavson novel!"