Trapped Between the Past and the Future Part 1

"You want me to do what?" Gustav was so shocked that he wasn't sure if he had heard correctly, especially since his heart suddenly started beating very hard, certainly not from excitement.

"It's the past that prevents you from moving on. It binds you. It alienates you. A bit like having your feet in concrete. It means you haven't dealt with it. With this past. Probably under the influence of strong emotions you were not able to face the problem rationally. Talk to that person who hurt you. Try to understand them..."

"I don't think I need to understand this person. What, maybe I should forgive him afterwards?"

"Yes, you should, but not for the sake of that person, but for your own sake."

"Seriously..." Gustav twisted his lips in a grotesque smile. He couldn't imagine that talking to Ole, that listening to his excuses would do him any good. 'I made a mistake. I love you. Forgive me.' He'd heard it before, and he was sick of it....