Does She Know His Erotic Secret?

It was before 11 pm when David got home. Not that late at all. So he wasn't surprised to see that the kitchen light was on and his mother was bustling around the kitchen.

"Haven't you seen my book somewhere?" she asked. "You know, the one I'm reading."

Damn! David froze at the door. He had forgotten to bring the book back to the kitchen before he left.

"I don't recall," he lied. Forgive me, Mom, but I'm not ready to share with you the information that I'm reading Sigurd Gustavson's books. "I was tidying up the magazines this morning, so maybe I accidentally moved it somewhere. I'll look for it right away..."

"No, no, it's late. You must be tired. We'll look for it tomorrow."

He was relieved. In the morning, when his parents aren't looking, he'll bring the book and say he found it somewhere among the papers. No one will attach any importance to it. He will be safe.

"David, is there anything you would like to talk to me about?"