Village Boy and the City Boy’s

"Sorry, Baby, I didn't mean to spoil your mood. I'm just happy to introduce you to my friends. Is it so bad that I want to show you off? Even without saying you're my boyfriend, showing off with you will be a big event" Greg explained himself.

David, however, felt uncomfortable. It was nice that Greg wanted to show him off in front of his friends, that he thought he was beautiful, but on the other hand, a man is not a new clothes or a new car to brag about them. Greg's tone had a kind of arrogance about it that made him sound insincere despite his spoken apologies. But maybe David was just making something up?

"It's okay," he smiled. "I guess I'm just nervous at the thought of meeting your friends."

"Don't be. I'm sure everyone will like you."

David wasn't so sure, especially since there probably wasn't a man liked by everyone.