To be CEO Part 3

"It's very nice of you to finally honor us, Mr. Meiden," said the same senior shareholder. "What puzzles me, however, is where did you even get the idea to replace the current chairman? As far as I know, no charges have been brought against Olaf Meiden."


Gustav smiled sarcastically, just like his father. A shiver ran down Krauze's back. Was Gustav always so much like Olaf Meiden?

"And perhaps they won't be brought against him," the young Meiden announced. "However, the detention itself is taking its toll on the situation of this company. Our shares have fallen again, this time by half a percentage point. In order to prevent further decline, some steps must be taken. The withdrawal of the troubled CEO is the first of them."

"In our country there is a presumption of innocence. Removing the CEO will give the public the mistaken impression that Olaf Meiden is guilty," the shareholder continued his objections.