
The suitcase filled with money stood in front of David stinging his eyes. He had no idea how much was in there, but he knew it was a lot. Enough to make his every dream come true. He could have gone on a long trip, as Olaf Meiden suggested. He could have bought himself a car exactly like Gustav had, or even better. He could have gone to college or developed his father's business. He could have absolutely bought anything that money could buy.

David had never seen so much cash in his life. He never even thought he could see it. The greenish-brown money arranged in pretty piles was tempting. He could literally do anything with that kind of money.

"Now I understand," he said in a calm, somber voice. "I understand why you and Gustav could not communicate."

"Oh, really?"

"Just now you were talking about respect, that it's no big deal, that anyone can give it to anyone, but that's not true. You don't even respect your own son."