Heart to Heart Talk

Gustav took air into his lungs.

The directness of Krosny could be overwhelming.

"My father..." he began to say, but didn't know how to formulate his thoughts. He wanted to be honest, but didn't want to put himself and Olaf in such a bad light. David knew his story, so he understood, but his father....

Karol waited. He was not going to relent.

"I'm sorry. My father tested David. I know it's unethical and unfair but..."

"I thought so," the information came as no surprise to him. "Listen, Gustav, it's no secret that we come from completely different worlds. Your father knows it and I know it. We both have sons that we care about. And we worry about their future. Well, because seriously, have you guys thought about how you will live together? Where are you going to live? What are you going to do for a living? I know that when young people are in love they don't think about such things, but that's what parents are for."