Ally or Competitor?

"Do you remember the evening we met?" Julius squeezed a mug of hot tea in his hands. Gustav was proud that he already had the skills to welcome a visitor with something as basic as dropping a tea bag into a mug and pouring boiling water over it without hurting himself.

"I remember," he admitted sitting across from him at the kitchen table.

"Do you remember that someone tried to kidnap me?"

"We unnecessarily trivialized it..."

"No, no, everything is ok," assured Julius. "I reported it to the police and they caught them quickly. Only..."

Gustav knew that now the most crucial point was approaching. He turned all ears.

"You see, powerful people sometimes get the attention of people who need to find an enemy..."

These words, spoken as if in passing, hid something more. Julius tried not to show it, but Meiden, who sometimes, on good days, could be sensitive to the moods of others sensed it. Julius was afraid.