Problems Begin to Grow

That night David slept restlessly. He wasn't even surprised by this considering how disturbed he was by last night's thoughts. Actually, he was convinced that the adventure with Greg had not left him with any physical damage, but he was afraid. However, if something had happened and he had unwittingly passed it on to Gustav....

Sure, as far as the early stages were concerned, everything was treatable, but it was still so embarrassing and humiliating. He would understand if Gustav never wanted to see him again. He would be surprised if he wanted to.

Tormented by thoughts of his stupidity, of the fact that curiosity about the experience was stronger in him than reason, he spent the whole night half asleep, tormented by nightmares. In his dreams, he saw his body covered with boils and ulcers, his male pride withering and falling off, and people pointing fingers at Gustav because he too has an embarrassing disease and it's because of David....