And The Second One

Karol Krosny called his son again and again silence answered him.

Well, well, David, don't overdo it. Otherwise I'll really go to the palace and embarrass you in front of your new boyfriend.

Only Karol would probably be more ashamed than his son.

But this silence on David's part was really disturbing. His phone wasn't off, it was just that the boy wasn't answering, and after all, he couldn't have slept that much. Not so much.

Or maybe David had lost his phone? Or had he left it at home?

The phone was not at home, Karol went and checked his son's room.

Did it fall out of his pocket somewhere along the way?

Hmm, that could have happened. If David was in a hurry, he could have misplaced it in his pocket and the smartphone just fell out.