Balance Between Work and Private Life is Indeed Important

Felix returned home full of unpleasant thoughts and bad feelings. Something was clearly wrong with Olaf Meiden, and he couldn't grasp what. His boss was hiding something, and doing it so well that even his secretary had no idea of his secret. And this was highly disturbing. Felix could not properly assist his boss if he did not know the problem.

Therefore, Felix spent the whole way to his house thinking, what could it be? The only thing he could think of was Ursula's future wedding. If Olaf suspected that his niece would not want to stay in the company after she got married, he might indeed have a problem, but he would not make a secret of it. Krauze would have been the first to know, either to look for a successor for her or to build some kind of benefits package to convince her to stay.

Unless Olaf wanted Ursula to leave to free up space for Gustav. The problem was persuading the unruly son to start working in his father's company.