Gustav’s Story Begins

"Wine?" Gustav showed David the bottle. To his amazement, David actually felt like he needed a little alcohol. Not too much, he didn't want to get drunk, but a little, for loosening up after recent events.

"I'd love to," he said.

"Usually wine should breathe a little after opening, but this is no old vintage," Gustav remarked.

"It doesn't bother me. I'm not familiar with wines."

"Neither do I, despite the strenuous efforts of my educators."

David didn't know if Gustav was deliberately postponing the conversation he had announced, or if he was just building a safe mood for himself. He decided not to urge him on. It was Gustav's goodwill to want to tell him about his mother anyway. David really appreciated it.

Red wine flowed into glasses and they both sat in front of the fireplace, in which the fire was not burning. The house had electric heating, which they also did not turn on, so it was a little chilly, but not uncomfortable.