
"I know this is your private affair," David's father said, "but still I count on you not to lie. Tell the truth, have you broken up with Gustav Meiden?"

"No," assured a surprised and confused David. "And even if we parted, you're right, it's none of your business."

"Are you sure he didn't abandon you?"

"Seriously, Dad, you're asking me such questions... Why would Gustav abandon me?"

The situation was awkward for David not only because his father was questioning him about such private matters, but on top of that David himself was not sure if he was sure Gustav had not abandoned him. His boyfriend's behavior had changed so much after the party that David couldn't help but have uncool assumptions.

"Son, I'm not someone who grew up under a rock, but I know that before you met Meiden, you weren't interested in guys. So it's because of him..."