Ocean-Shifting Dragon

Once both palms met each other, Chun Jiangtu’s brows knitted together. The sensation that he felt was not a collision, but it was emptiness!!

‘It felt like my fully powered indigo qi just attacked an empty void. Preposterous!!’

Once the indigo beam of light from Chun Jiangtu’s palm touched Leng San’s palm, it passed through into Leng San’s body as if it was a living thing. The beam ran past his right hand to his right arm, then reached his dantian, before splitting into two lines, running through both of his legs towards the surface of the earth.


A loud noise resonated throughout. The ground beneath Leng San’s feet cracked and subsided to the point that Leng San’s feet were not visible. Leng San smiled, the corner of his mouth tugged slightly upward.

“Thank you for your mercy, elder. I won’t let you down at the festival. It’s getting late, I should start watering the gardens.”

Then Leng San cupped his hands, slightly bowed, and immediately headed to the garden.

Chun Jiangtu was frozen in his attacking stance as if Leng San’s words did not enter his head. His hand was still in the air after releasing the third attack, but his body trembled with excitement as if his mental state was being washed away by an oppressive ocean wave.

‘Marvelous, the technique he used, it was as if it wasn't martial arts. He’s a natural and a prodigy. I’ve actually found a dragon in my backyard!’

The metaphor he used with Leng San echoed in his heart like a lightning strike.

Leng San reached the other side of the garden. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. He suppressed the pain and hastily walked ahead to hide the damages from Chun Jiangtu. The flow of his qi was stirring up quite a storm.

“It was a bit overdone to receive an attack from a qi that’s exactly one stage above. But if I didn’t accept the challenge, a person with a low-level violet qi like me would not be acknowledged.”

“What was the last technique you used? Why were you able to maneuver a qi that was a whole stage above your own to the ground?”

Freya’s voice, which remained silent for a long while, suddenly perked up.

“So now you’re curious enough to have a conversation with me?”

Leng San smirked once he heard Freya’s voice.

“Stop messing around with your words, kid. Tell me about the technique that you used earlier. I’ve never heard of it before. It was remarkable.”

“I’ve told you before that my body differs from other people, so I’ve established three types of my personal techniques which comprise techniques that enhance my qi like the Dragon Meridian I’ve used last night, defensive techniques like the Ocean-Shifting Dragon, and lastly, offensive techniques such as the Dragon Seal.

These three types of techniques were created to adapt to my abnormally large, dense, and flexible meridians. For the Ocean-Shifting Dragon technique, I used the density and flexibility of my meridians to absorb the opponent’s qi and direct it towards the ground via my legs. Obviously, this technique is very useful, but several conditions must be fulfilled for it to fully operate.”

“Conditions?” Freya was still curious about the secret of the boy’s technique.

Leng San slightly smiled and continued to explain.

“Disclosing this secret is the same as putting my own life in danger. But now our lives depend on each other. Also, I am in your debt for trying to save my family and losing your own life in the course of doing so. Please promise me you will not disclose this secret.”

“I promise. I am the daughter of the Devas. I haven’t broken a promise before.”

“Good!! Two conditions must be fulfilled for the technique to operate. First, I can’t absorb a qi that is more than one stage higher than my own. If it’s higher than one stage, my meridians will be damaged.

The other condition is, me being able to maneuver the qi that has collided against my body doesn’t mean that I’m invulnerable to the technique. For instance, if the opponent fused their qi with a fire element, I’ll only be able to absorb fifty percent of their qi in exchange for being burnt by their fire element for the remaining fifty percent that can’t be absorbed. Or if the opponent combined their qi with their sword, I’ll only be able to absorb the qi, not the piercing of the sword itself.”

Leng San sat down and expelled the remains of Chun Jiangtu’s qi after the explanation ended. Freya was lost in thought before asking more.

“What about your offensive technique, the Dragon Seal?!!”