Next Target

Leng San slightly furrowed his brows and was lost in thought.

‘I will have to enter the palace and find out about this mysterious clan.’

“Elder, if it isn’t too much of a problem, would it be possible to let this young one rest within your house for a while? I promise that I will do my best to keep you out of my conflict with the Fire Fortress Sect by hiding myself well.”

“I am glad to have you here. Within the sect, excluding my son, the clan’s leader, and my niece, no one knows that you’re here. And I’ve already instructed the guards at the south gate to keep quiet. You can rest without worrying. My niece will be the one to bring you food.”

Leng San cupped his hands and bowed as a sign of gratitude. Yi Longtian then left the room.

“Silly kid, what’s your next plan?” Freya’s voice perked up.

“I’ve made a mistake,” Leng San shook his head.

“A mistake?”

“Yes… I’ve disclosed too much of my background as I thought that no one would have known about my clan’s techniques. I believe that Yi Longtian is quite trustworthy, but I’ve revealed my techniques to Xuanwu Jincan of the Xuanwu Dynasty as well.”

“I had my doubts as he immediately accepted my request before leaving the Indigo Cloud City without a word. After listening to Yi Longtian’s story, I have a feeling that Xuanwu Jincan knew about the Leng Clan’s techniques and, of course, my surname is Leng.”

“So, what are you going to do next?” Freya asked.

“I could not enter the palace with Xuanwu Jincan. It’s too dangerous for me to be in the eyes of the public, while the mysterious clan is hiding in the dark. There’s the possibility that the members of this mysterious clan are the descendants of the Leng Clan. To which, there’s also the possibility that they are not descendants of the Leng Clan. I couldn’t tell whether they are friends or foes.”

“But you’re still planning to get into the palace.”

“Correct, I will have to find another way to enter the palace and check out this mysterious clan as well.”


Xiaolin Lun was delighted that his village won the tournament and became famous, despite the chaos that came after. However, he immediately returned to the village as he was disheartened at the fact he had to let Leng San go without being able to help the boy.

Actually, the man should be glad that the Fire Fortress Sect targeted only Leng San instead of the whole village.

“What a shame. He really had the guts to turn the young master of the Fire Fortress Sect into a paraplegic and destroyed all of his meridians.”

Chun Jiangtu stated while looking at Xiaolin Lun who was extremely anxious.

Xiaolin Lun was sitting on his favorite chair with the giant eagle. He rested his elbow on the chair’s arm, holding his head with one hand as per his usual habit.

“Sigh… I really wanted to help him. But even I had to retreat to the village to avoid confrontation with the Fire Fortress Sect.”

Suddenly, a guard ran inside the residence.

“Elder Su Zhao of the Fire Fortress Sect is waiting for you in front of the residence.”

Xiaolin Lun stood up instantly. The man didn’t expect that the Fire Fortress Sect would come to visit him in his residence.

“Let him in.”

Su Zhao entered the common room along with four users of blue qi.

“It’s been a long time. Elder Su, what brings you to my residence? Isn’t my village quite far from the city?”

Su Zhao didn’t say a word. The old man observed the residence with his qi.

“Stop beating around the bush. Where is that son of a bitch? Is he hiding in your residence!!”

“Elder Su, if you’re asking about Leng San, he never came back to the village after the tournament ended.”

“If that’s the case, you have to tell me the place he came from. Or else this will not end well!!”

Su Zhao dispersed his green qi as a threat. He had been searching for Leng San, since the incident at the south gate, for two days. However, he couldn’t find even a trace of the boy. Having been tricked by the boy too many times, his anger was at the limit, or else he wouldn’t take the time to travel to this Floating Cloud Village.

Xiaolin Lun was a bit hesitant. The man sighed as it seemed impossible to persuade Su Zhao otherwise.

“Leng San told me that he is an orphan that came from the southern part of the continent. In the past, he was a core disciple of the Mount Taizhu Institute.”

“The Mount Taizhu Institute? I’ve never heard of this institute before.”

“I’ve never heard of the name either. There are countless institutes located south of the continent. It could be any small institute.”

“You are saying that a disciple of a small institute with only violet qi had seriously wounded one and killed another instructor of the Fire Fortress Sect who had blue qi!!”

Xiaolin Lun’s mind went blank. Both of his hands were shaking. This news about Leng San injuring and killing instructors of the Fire Fortress Sect had not been leaked as it would hurt their reputation. Xiaolin Lun, who hastily returned to the village, didn’t know about the incident.

“Wh...what are you saying? He’s just a fifteen-year-old boy. But you said he injured and killed your men!!”

“Hmph!! This isn’t something that I would joke about. If the boy returns to this village, you must notify the Fire Fortress Sect, or else I will destroy this place!!”

Su Zhao immediately turned his back, ignoring Xiaolin Lun’s reaction. Xiaolin Lun was left shaking behind the old man’s back...


Five days went by, Leng San had fully recovered from the wounds that would usually take a month to heal. Yi Longtian was amazed at the speed of recovery, as much as the boy himself.

“Freya, is the speed of my recovery related to the Azure Dragon’s soul?”

“I believe it is related. The Azure Dragon’s soul blesses its vessel with unusual power and inhumane recovery speed, which might even be superior to the Devas and the Asuras.”

“Won’t you tell me the origin of the Azure Dragon’s soul?”

“Hmph!! This isn’t the right time yet. Do you want me to break the promise that I made with your grandfather?”

“Sigh… you always bring up my grandfather as an excuse,” Leng San shook his head.

The boy started circulating Jia Aodi’s remaining qi as his body had fully recovered. Once a shichen passed...

‘My qi reached the first level of the indigo stage.’