The Third Level of Indigo Stage Qi

“That blue fire qi… which institute does it belong to? Within the records of the Soaring Sword Sect, the Leng Clan did not have such a technique, so how did you…”

Yi Longtian asked Leng San.

“Elder, I am a member of the Leng Clan, but due to the annihilation, I’ve met another master who has been giving me valuable advice, which is why some of my techniques differ from my clan’s.”

“Hmm… this master is certainly not a commoner!! This fire qi technique is the strongest technique of the fire element that I’ve seen in my life.”

Leng San slightly smiled.

“My master is a member of the Devas.”

“The...the Devas!!”

Yi Longtian’s eyes widened, his mouth hung open.

From the perspective of a normal human being, the word ‘Devas’ referred to heavenly beings, or in other words, the gods.

“As expected of a member of the Leng Clan. According to the records, the Leng Clan had been in contact with the Devas’ king, but I’ve never imagined that they would accept you as their disciple. Miraculous indeed!!”

Leng San reacted by smiling and nodding along.

“Your wounds have healed completely. Your regenerative ability is amazing, but terrifying at the same time. What do you plan to do next?”

“I am planning to travel to the palace to find out about the mysterious clan, but the Fire Fortress Sect’s pursuit is quite troubling, so I will…”

“You’re going to?” Yi Longtian knitted his eyebrows.

Leng San looked up to the moon that was lighting up the darkness. The boy smirked. His body was overflowing with oppressive killing intent.

Yi Longtian, at eighty years old, obviously, had experienced many faces of the martial world, but even so, his back was drenched with sweat. It was unbelievable for a fifteen-year-old to release such a devastating killing intent!!

“I will erase the name of the Fire Fortress Sect from the Indigo Cloud City!!”

Trembling, Yi Longtian couldn’t believe what he heard. A user of the ninth level yellow qi that was only half a level away from orange qi, Yi Longtian, was considered as the apex within this Indigo Cloud City. Even so, he would never declare, out of thin air, that he would wipe out one of the three largest sects of the Indigo Cloud City.

“… that’s impossible!! Even if you have my full support, destroying the Fire Fortress Sect is still impossible. Su Songyu, the leader of the sect, has level three yellow qi, seven of its elders have green qi, not to mention over a hundred instructors with blue qi and ten thousand disciples with indigo qi. Then there’s Su Balong, the former leader of the Fire Fortress Sect, whose qi is at the ninth level of the yellow stage, similar to mine!!”

“But you!! With first-level indigo qi, even the weakest disciple of the Fire Fortress Sect is stronger than you. How could you declare to do such a thing!!”

“Elder, I won’t be carrying out this plan in the near future. However, this young one plans to cultivate his qi until it reaches the green stage at least, before heading to the capital city.”

“Sigh… do whatever you want. Tell me if you need any help. We must follow the will of our ancestors, even if we have to lose our lives to the Fire Fortress Sect in order to help you.”

Leng San was astonished by Yi Longtian’s words. The boy believed that Yi Longtian would lend him a hand, but not to the point of risking his life in accordance with the wills of their ancestors. He cupped his hands and respectfully bowed.

“Elder, I do not wish to drag you into this mess. Giving this young one a place to rest and heal is more than enough. For the rest, I will do it by myself.”

“You meant that you’re going to wipe out the Fire Fortress Sect alone, by yourself!?!”

Yi Longtian couldn’t fathom what was going on in that boy’s head.

“Of course,” Leng San smiled with the corner of his mouth.

“This young one will rest here for at most three more days. After that, I will depart from the Indigo Cloud City immediately, so I will bid you farewell in advance. Please take good care of your health.”

“Hmm… follow your heart,” Yi Longtian smiled as he nodded.

After bidding farewell to Yi Longtian, Leng San returned to his room. He concentrated and used the Dragon Meridian technique immediately… Since then two days have passed. Yi Longwang still brought him food daily, but he never moved from the spot. The girl did not interrupt him, just frowned a little and left. Until the third day came by.

‘Level three of indigo stage qi achieved.’

Leng San opened his eyes with a smirk.

“Hmph!! Your Dragon Meridian technique absolutely broke heaven's rule. Humans, Devas, and Asuras must break through nine levels before reaching the next stage, but your technique reduced the number of levels to six,” Freya’s voice spoke up.

“It is true that I can cultivate qi faster than the general population, but I’m still far away from reaching the peak,” Leng San slightly shook his head.

“Freya, when are you going to teach how to create medicines? I am ready now.”

“We have to go back to the Valley of the Ten-Thousand Trees. You must be able to differentiate the species of herbs first.”

“Alright, I’m leaving this place tonight. Could you use your sense to decide on the best route?”

Freya grew silent for a while.

“The west and south gate are each guarded by four users of blue qi. The north and east gate are each guarded by three users of blue qi. All of them are users of fire qi. They are probably members of the Fire Fortress Sect, distributed to each gate to find you.”

“Great!! Tonight I will go straight through the west gate in order to get to the Valley of the Ten-Thousand Trees.”

“I, Leng San, do not swallow my own words. I promise I won’t go anywhere far before I could destroy the Fire Fortress Sect!!”

Then it was time for Yi Longwang to bring in the boy’s food. She found him sitting down, waiting for her.

“You came at last,” Leng San smiled a little.

“You’ve opened your eyes already. Ah!! The third level of the indigo stage!!”

Apparently, Yi Longwang was dumbfounded. Only ten days had passed since the match, but now his qi had jumped up three levels. The girl was astounded at Leng San’s inhumane speed of qi cultivation!!

“ did you increase your qi by three levels within such a short time? Or were you hiding your true level of qi as well?”

Yi Longwang thought that this was Leng San’s real qi, which he kept hidden during the tournament as it was impossible to increase one’s qi by three levels within days. But Leng San did not deny or gave an explanation.

“Let’s change the topic. I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?” Yi Longwang knitted her eyebrows.

“I will leave tonight.”

“So soon? Have you completely healed already!?!”

Yi Longwang’s jaws dropped as she raised her hand to cover her mouth. She did not think Leng San would leave this soon.

Leng San smiled, the corners of his lips slightly tugged upwards.

“You worry about me?” Leng San squinted his eyes and stared into her soul.

“Hmph!! Of course, I do not,” Yi Longwang turned her red face away, avoiding eye contact.

“Please do not worry. I will certainly return. And I hope you will wait for me.”

The boy grinned from ear to ear.

“Pervert!! Who is going to wait for you? But I wish you luck on behalf of my grandpa.”

Yi Longwang turned around to hide her expression and left the room while Leng San slightly smirked.
