Damn It!!

The dark-faced old man and the white-haired old man frowned, except Su Zhao, whose face was white as a paper. All three were the elders of the Fire Fortress Sect. The youth’s encroaching speech was without doubt indignation towards them.

“Know your place!! Do not fool yourself into believing that just a trickery you’ve successfully pulled on Elder Su would equal the defeat of the Fire Fortress Sect! One year from now that you speak of will surely be the anniversary of your death!”

The dark-faced old man began circulating his fire qi throughout his body.

“Twin Infernal Viper!!”

Fire qi throughout the dark-faced old man’s body circled both of his arms and transformed into two 10-meter-long infernal vipers that were larger than his calf. The infernal vipers shot out from both of his hands towards Leng San with jaws wide open, revealing their fiery fangs.

Leng San’s expression remained calm, not even the corner of his eye twitched. However, once the twin vipers were only half a step away from him, Leng San grabbed both of the twin viper’s necks in the blink of an eye to stop their advances!!

The red-flamed vipers writhed within the grasp of Leng San as if they were alive. Their color, once bright red, turned into a shade of reddish-blue, before completely turning into blue-flamed vipers.

The irises of the three elders immediately enlarged. The thought of seeing someone instantly stopping the movements of the flame serpents with bare hands, despite them being imbued with green qi, had never crossed their minds!!

Leng San slightly smirked.

“You guys love performances, right?? Great!! I’ll play with you all.”

Leng San flicked both of his hands. The blue-flamed serpents lunged back towards the dark-faced old man and the white-haired old man at once.

The white-haired elder squinted, then flicked his wrist to direct the incoming serpents towards the ground with ease. However, despite being able to deflect the serpents, not only did the paralysis take over the elder’s hand but burnt marks were also printed onto the area of his hand that came into contact with the blue flames.

On the other hand, the dark-faced elder did not attempt to deflect the serpents. Instead, he tried to catch them in the same manner that the youngster did, thinking that if that boy could catch the serpents released by his own hands without a sweat, he should be able to catch the serpents that were returned to him with little trouble as well. Would not failing to do so mean defeat?

“Don’t touch it, Elder Hong!! These blue flames are no ordinary fire qi!!”

The white-haired elder shouted, but he was too late. The dark-faced old man grabbed it by the neck with his right hand, the same way Leng San did just a while ago.

Leng San slightly grinned.

‘This old geezer is an idiot.’

Once his right hand touched the viper, his eyes swelled up. The old man’s right hand turned black from the heat of the dragon’s fire qi. He was unable to stop the blue viper as it lunged into the dark-faced old man’s chest!!



The body of the dark-faced old man was thrust tens of steps backward, spitting a mouthful of blood. His right hand and chest were burning. He then swiftly circulated defensive qi to both locations as the blue flames were still raging and expanding to his whole body!!

After three breaths, the flame calmed down due to the old man’s high-level fire resistance qi. However, he couldn’t move his right hand that had been incinerated. In addition, his internal organs were heavily damaged from the boy’s qi and from the burnt chest. This was the price that he had to pay in exchange for grabbing Leng San’s blue flame with bare hands.

“Damn it!! What is this blue flame? Users of fire qi couldn’t even withstand its heat!!”

The dark-faced old man turned red from anger. He was enraged and dumbfounded at the same time. Conflicting emotions messed up the old man’s mind!! His killing intent blew up at once. He had been disgraced by the boy as much as Su Zhao.

“Calm down, Elder Hong. His blue flame technique is terrifying indeed, which could explain why the fire qi techniques of the Fire Fortress Sect couldn’t do anything to him. We must defeat him with our superior green qi. The boy’s blue fire is indeed fearful. However, he is just a user of low-level indigo qi!!”

The white-haired man hastily circulated green qi to his entire body. The oppressive green aura shone bright, suffocating the atmosphere.

This was what Leng San feared the most!! The boy wasn’t afraid of fire qi techniques, but it would spell trouble for him if the elders were going to confront him with their middle-level green qi that was two stages higher than him. It wasn’t easy to fill in the gap between his qi and their qi with his techniques!!

Leng San furrowed his brows as he raised both arms and compressed his dragon’s fire qi at his palms. The blue flames circled around the boy’s palms, then gradually expanded.

The three elders didn’t understand what the boy was planning to do.

“Th...that!! What is the brat thinking!!”

“This doesn’t look good, Elder Hong. We must go!! And stop him!!”

The white-haired elder exclaimed as he darted towards Leng San. The dark-faced old man followed without hesitation.

Leng San smirked. His anticipation was right on the spot. He flicked both of his hands, targeting Su Zhao!!

“Dragon’s Firestorm!!”

The blue firestorm was thrown across the heads of both elders. Their eyes expanded in disbelief.

“Damn it!! The brat’s target was Elder Su!!”

Both of them hastily changed their direction to return to Su Zhao. But they were a split second late. The blue firestorm fell on Su Zhao’s body!!


Su Zhao wailed in horror. The old man did not have an ounce of qi left in his body, meaning that he had no qi to resist the Dragon’s Firestorm.

The two elders circulated fire-resistant qi to both of their hands and attacked the firestorm with a hundred percent of their qi. The Dragon’s Firestorm might be powerful, but it was made by Leng San’s low-level indigo qi which should be easily destroyed by a fully powered green qi. The storm dissipated instantly, leaving Su Zhao’s unmoving body behind. However, weakened blue flames remained on his left arm and right leg.

The two elders used their qi to put out the flames, but it was too late as Su Zhao’s left arm and right leg had turned to crisps, revealing burnt black bones beneath the muscles.

Both elders looked at each other and nodded. They started chopping Su Zhao’s left arm and right leg off instantly!!

“Arghhhhhhh!! Wh... what are you doing to my body?”

Su Zhao, who was unconscious, had awakened from excruciating pain. He then saw both elders, who were sawing off his arm and leg!!

The white-haired man slightly shook his head and said:

“Elder Su, we are truly sorry. We had no choice but to cut off your limbs in order to save your life. This blue flame is too infectious. If we didn’t cut your leg and arm off, the flame might have spread to your internal organs.”

Su Zhao’s face went pale. He never thought he would someday become a cripple!! An arm and a leg had been cut off. The old man coughed up blood in despair, before losing his consciousness.

The two elders were burning with anger as they looked at Elder Su Zhao’s pitiful condition. Consumed by hatred, they lost their composure!! Their killing intent shot through the roof. Even if they had to lower their ego, the two elders of the sect would join their hands to kill this young boy. They made an agreement through eye contact and turned to Leng San.


There was nothing but emptiness...

Leng San had disappeared!!

“Damn It!!”

“Damn It!!”

The two elders swore in unison...