Dragon’s Muscle

“Kid, wake up!! You have to wake up now!!”

“If you don’t wake up, you’re going to be killed!”

Freya’s voice echoed within his consciousness and woke Leng San up. The boy sleepily opened his eyes.

“Freya, what happened? I am so tired. Can I rest a bit more?”

“Three magical beasts with green qi are wandering near the cave’s entrance. You can go back to sleep if you’re not afraid of them!!”

“What!?” Leng San became fully alert.

“Didn’t you tell me that there are only magical beasts with indigo to blue qi within the second level? And now why are three magical beasts with green qi at the entrance!?”

“Hmm… yes, in the beginning, there weren’t any. But during the five days that you were unconscious, something in the valley had changed!!”

“I was unconscious for that long? And what happened to the valley?”

“The magical beast with yellow qi, that was hibernating within the third level, woke up, if I’m not mistaken. So, some magical beasts with green qi moved to the second level to avoid it. This cave that we’re in is very close to the entrance of the third level, so the probability of encountering them went up.”

Leng San nodded his head and replied.

“But the problem is, how are we going to deal with these three magical beasts with green qi. I have only twenty percent of strength left.”

“Hmph!! Did you forget what we’ve been doing here for half a year?”

Leng San softly hit his forehead. He totally forgot that he had created and kept numerous pills within the dimensional ring while he was learning about medicine making from Freya. Soon after, the dimensional ring flashed. The boy took out two pills of medicine.

These pills would rapidly recover his strength and qi. The boy popped the pills into his mouth immediately. Within ten breaths, his strength and qi had recovered more than fifty percent.

Then, Leng San hastily concealed his senses, as well as his energy to observe the situation. At first, the three magical beasts didn’t pay attention to the cave. However, once they were within the vicinity, they smelled the blood of magical beasts from the pool and the remaining carcass.

One of them walked into the cave immediately. This magical beast with green qi was more than three meters tall with a muscular body, large fangs, and white fur covering its whole body except its chest and abdomen. The creature, in general, looked like a giant ape. Leng San gradually circulated qi as he was planning his next move.

‘A preemptive strike will give me an advantage. I must startle it with my attack and find a way to escape.’

Leng San hid himself in a small crease within the cave so the beast would have a hard time spotting him. Once the carcass was noticed, the creature ripped it into bits and gulped it down.

While the giant ape was focusing on its food, Leng San circulated hundred percent of his qi to the right fist and struck at the giant ape’s rib cage just to create space for escape but...

Leng San with the first level of blue qi sent the muscular giant ape with green qi, reaching more than three meters tall, weighing at least three thousand kilograms, flying three meters before it crashed into the cave’s wall!!


“What!! Why is it so frail!?”

Perplexed, Leng San, who was planning to find an opening to escape, had seriously wounded the beast with green qi in one punch!!

“Hehe, do you really think its body is frail?” Freya asked the boy in amusement.

“Freya, what the hell happened!?” Leng San stared at his tightly clenched fist.

“Have you forgotten that you'll be blessed with the Dragon’s Muscle once your qi reaches the blue stage?”

“The Dragon’s Muscle?”

“Yes, that’s right, each muscle within your body is now as strong as a dragon’s. Don’t compare yourself to the average human, because you’ve already surpassed magical beasts by a mile!!”

“God!! It feels like I am slowly evolving into something else that isn’t human.”

“You’re worried?”

“I am deliriously happy!!” Leng San’s grin was that of a demon. His clenched fist tightened.

Within three breaths, two giant apes that were loitering in front of the entrance entered the cave. However, this time Leng San didn’t hide. The boy pulled out the Heaven Shattering Axe from his dimensional ring. The rune’s blue light flashed, lighting up the cave.

“Heaven Shattering Axe!!”

Leng San circulated qi to his arm and threw the axe with all his might.

The Heaven Shattering Axe twirled towards one of the giant apes. Due to its incredible speed, the axe looked like a beam of blue light.


Once the beam of blue light crashed into the giant ape, an immense amount of energy from the rune exploded.

In reality, the Heaven Shattering Axe alone would only cripple the giant ape with green qi. But once it was coupled with Leng San’s arm that was as strong as a dragon’s, it became destructive enough to tear the giant beast into bits within one attack!!

But the last giant ape was able to get close to Leng San. At a distance of three steps, the giant ape flung its fist, imbued with green qi at Leng San. Dodging would be easy for the boy, but he chose to receive the attack!! Leng San circulated his Mountain Dragon Qi at once.


The sound of the giant ape’s fist that hit Leng San’s body resonated within the cave. But… Leng San didn’t move at all.

“Brilliant!!” Leng San smirked with utmost satisfaction.

Then, Leng San grabbed the giant ape’s arm with his right hand and flung it out of the cave. With the strength of his arm alone, the boy was able to send the beast that weighed thousands of kilograms soaring for more than tens of meters!!

“Hahaha, the Dragon’s Muscle is truly strong!!”

Leng San jumped out of the cave to bombard the giant ape with punches!! The first giant ape that Leng San punched regained its consciousness and immediately headed towards Leng San. The boy smirked, circulated his dragon’s fire qi to his palm.

“Dragon’s Firestorm!!”

The blue firestorm, packed with his blue stage qi, was bigger and stronger than ever. Every inch of the cave had been packed by the blue flame. The giant ape was enveloped in the flame, incinerated, and evaporated within ten breaths.

Leng San turned to the last giant ape and pierced into its chest with his right hand imbued with a razor-sharp blue flame. The boy then picked up a marble, the size of the tip of the thumb, that shone bright with green light. The giant ape trembled and drew its last breath.

“That’s the beast core, isn’t it?” Freya’s voice perked up.

Leng San kept the beast core into the dimensional ring and harvested two more from the other two giant apes.

“Kid, are you going to sell these beast cores?”

“From your perspective, these beast cores might be just some jewelry that could be sold for a good price, but for me, these are worth more than that,” Leng San replied as he smiled a little.

“So, what are you going to use them for?” Freya was still curious.

“Beast core is the most vital ingredient for runology. It is created from the energy circulating within magical beasts with blue qi and above. Not only is it a vital ingredient, but it also dictates the strength of the runic weapon. For example, this Heaven Shattering Axe was created from a high-level blue core.”

“Previously, I didn’t pay attention to it because my qi hasn’t reached the blue stage yet, which is the lowest requirement for one to use runology...”