Being an Idiot for the Clan

The Adamant Sol Dragon walked ahead, going deep inside the cave tens of li. The path spirally sloped downward, leading to the very bottom. It was almost unbelievable that the cave was this deep. After walking for two shichen, they have met the remains of a dragon that was about three folds larger than the male dragon. It seemed that the dragon had passed away a long time ago. But because of the sturdiness of its skin, the remains resembled a big stone in the shape of a dragon.

“This is the remains of my ancestor. He served the Azure Dragon King tens of thousands of years ago. After the death of the king, he flew to this continent and died long ago. But strangely, his remains did not decompose like the other dragons. It turned into stone instead.”

Leng San cupped his hands and bowed to the remains.

“My lord, why did you bring me to this place?”

“I want to give you the core of my ancestor. At least my ancestor would be able to rest close to his king.”

Leng San never thought that this Adamant Sol Dragon would give him such a valuable belonging. The core might not be useful to the Adamant Sol Dragon, but it was an heirloom from its ancestor.

The Adamant Sol Dragon stomped on the chest area of the remains.


The chest of the remains cracked open. A red light glowed from the cavity. Leng San could not believe what he saw.

“’s a red core!!”

“ ancestor was the apex of the dragon species, only second to the Azure Dragon King. I want to give this to you as a gift for saving my wife and my child’s life.”

Leng San calmed himself down and went to pick up the red core that was lighting up the dark cave. Extremely pleased, Leng San could not stop smiling as he put the core into his dimensional ring.

After that, both of them came back to the entrance of the cave. The female dragon was doting on its child from afar, strictly following Leng San’s instruction.

Leng San let out a sigh of relief. The fear of infection was a lie fabricated by the boy to prevent the dragons from getting near their baby as they might notice the seal before he was able to escape.

“For the skins, you can take as much as you want. But don’t think of coming back to get more, as I will certainly kill you without hesitation!!”

The Adamant Sol Dragon pressured Leng San with its stare. The boy furrowed his brows, uncomfortably. He quickly bowed to express his gratitude, walked to the adamantite at the back of the cave, and sat down to assess the situation. The dimensional ring he had could not store even one-tenth of a percent of the ore.

‘I must create a dimensional ring!!’

Dimensional rings were essentially made from a small adamantite inscribed with runes. A blue rune could create about one cubic meter of dimensional storage. For a green rune, the dimensional storage would be about one hundred cubic meters, increasing by a hundredfold each stage higher.

Leng San carefully thought about the dimensional ring for three days. Finally, he made the difficult decision to use the red core to create a new dimensional ring!!

‘Alright!! My end goal is to re-establish the Leng clan. Resources are more important than skills!!’

Leng San used the dragon’s fire qi to mold a part of the adamantite. Usually, it took over a thousand degrees of heat to mold the adamantite, but it was an easy feat for the dragon’s fire qi even though it might take a bit longer. The boy molded the adamantite into the shape of a metal rod about the size of his pinky.

He then pulled out the red core from the dimensional ring, fused it with his blood, and inscribed a rune on the metal rod. Red light from the rune brightened up the cave. This metal rod, despite having a different shape, shared similar properties to the ordinary dimensional rings. Furthermore, this rod had been inscribed with a red rune, which meant that the size of the dimensional space would equal one hundred million cubic meters!! It was big enough for Leng San to take a large mansion with him wherever he went.

Afterward, Leng San slit a long wound on the inside of his left arm and embedded the metal rod inside!! It was gruesome. The pain, of course, was immense, but his face remained unchanged during the procedure as it was like a mosquito bite compared to the pain from the beast blood pool. Once the rod disappeared into his arm, Leng San closed the opening of the wound immediately and waved his arm around as a little test.

‘It feels a little weird, but I would probably grow accustomed to it after a while.’

The reason that Leng San had to go this far was that having the red light flashing randomly as he opened the dimensional space would certainly give passersby a mini heart attack from seeing that an idiot had used a red core to create storage!! If it was used to create a runic weapon, it would be one of the most powerful runic weapons there ever was. The other reason was this would make it hard for enemies to steal the metal rod as it was embedded in his arm.

Once the preparation had been completed, Leng San swept all the adamantite at the back of the cave into the dimensional storage. He then climbed up the cliff and connected vines until it was long enough to reach the bottommost part of the cliff. The boy jumped into the ocean and dove down. Within a few breaths, he encountered a treasure trove of adamantite ores. The amount was several hundred folds of those he found within the cave. With this amount, he could build lots of houses made entirely out of adamantite.

Leng San gathered all of them into his dimensional storage. Using this amount of adamantite combined with runology, he would be able to create runic weapons and sell them for a fortune.

The boy felt indescribably delightful. He was several steps closer to the reality of re-establishing the Leng clan with the money he could make. Leng San gradually climbed the vine until he reached the entrance of the cave and saw something that made his face churned.

‘For god’s sake!! The baby dragon is awake!!’

The baby dragon was crying like a newborn that had just awakened. Its parents were gently licking the baby dragon. Leng San did not stop to see the scene but quickly climbed up the vine to the top of the cliff. The boy then pulled out two blue cores from the dimensional storage and wrote a rune on each of his legs.

He then ran for his life!!