Li Mu

“What are you going to do next? There are only three months left before the date that you’ve announced to the Fire Fortress Sect. You’ll need two months to travel back to Indigo Cloud city. What are you going to do with the remaining one month?” Freya asked the boy.

“I will rest for two to three days as I have used the runic body so my qi will not replenish for a few days. It’s going to be troublesome if we were to encounter magical beasts with green qi.”

Leng San searched for a cave to rest while devising various methods to deal with the Fire Fortress Sect. Even so, destroying the Fire Fortress Sect all alone was just a pipe dream. Suddenly, the boy’s eyes gleamed, he thought of something and sat up.

“Right!! I am a different person now!!”

“How are you different from before?” Freya’s curious voice softly asked the boy.

“Yes, I now have a fortune of adamantite. I could use money as a catalyst to move things forward!!”

Leng San decided to get out of the cave despite having rested for only two shichen. He didn’t want to waste any time, even if his energy had not recovered yet. But with his Dragon’s Muscle, it wasn’t impossible for him to escape past a pack of magical beasts. The boy got out of the third level of the Valley of the Ten-Thousand Trees, taking him forty days. Along the way he had been collecting herbs, as well as cores from magical beasts, storing them within his vast dimensional storage. Even the carcasses of magical beasts with various qi were kept within the storage, in case he wanted to make a beast blood pool in the future. This went on until he returned to the place.

The Indigo Cloud City...

Before entering the city, Leng San used the metamorphosis technique that Freya taught him to alter the structure of his face into a handsome middle-aged man around thirty-five, who could easily steal the hearts of women within the city.

On the first time that Leng San entered the city, he sold various medicinal pills, which appeared to be tens of folds more potent than the pills on the market!! His medicinal pills quickly became viral. He told his customers that he came from a different continent, which was why his formula was unusual.

With his charisma, soothing voice, charming manner, valiant build, and handsome face, the boy had created a brand new personality. His character came from another continent and went by the name Li Mu. Within seven days, ladies of the city fell for him and his medicinal pills were nicknamed as the divine medicines.

Only for a short period of time, the price of his medicinal pills shot through the roof by high demand. Leng San had enough money to buy a drug store of his own from the sales.

Leng San bought herbs to create more pills that were sold at a price that was more than tens of folds of the cost. His business grew within one month, accumulating more than five million gold coins.

It took Leng San, who started from zero, one month for him to become a middle-level merchant within the Indigo Cloud City. If he continued his business, he would be as rich as the three richest sects within the Indigo Cloud City, but… Leng San thought this was too slow!!

Leng San hired tens of staff to help him with the business. As for himself, he was cooped up inside a room, laying a part of adamantite in front of him.

“Are you going to make runic weapons?” Freya asked him.

“I am going to create three to four runic weapons. From my research, it appears to be very scarce. Even the Fire Fortress Sect owns only three runic weapons. Middle-sized sects own only one each. And of course, there are some sects that do not own any, so the price should be through the roof. I could sell even low-level blue runic weapons at ten million gold coins at least.”

“If you’re going to sell them, won’t they come back to bite you later?”

“Yes, that’s what I am afraid of. I’ve been planning to sell them at the auction house, but I’m worried that the Fire Fortress Sect might get them.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

Leng San thought for a bit. Suddenly his eyes shone with villainy. A smirk appeared on his face.

“I will make the sect run out of money, so they won’t be able to buy my weapons. Hahaha.”


“You’ll see.”

Leng San molded the adamantite with his dragon’s flame until the shape changed according to his will. It was the shape of a human leg!! Once he finished molding, Leng San brought out a blue core, fused it with his blood, and inscribed a rune onto the object to make it flexible. In other words, Leng San had created a prosthetic leg!!

Turning the adamantite into a prosthetic leg greatly devalues the ore. But with the amount of adamantite that Leng San currently possessed, he could create as many prosthetic legs or arms and throw them away as much as he wanted.

Then Leng San went straight to the Fire Fortress Sect...

The Fire Fortress Sect easily welcomed Li Mu, the divine apothecary. Even Su Songyu, the leader of the Fire Fortress Sect himself, came out to receive Leng San.

“Oh... what an honor for the Fire Fortress Sect to have master Li Mu, the divine apothecary, visit us.”

Su Songyu cupped his hands to pay respect to Leng San.

“On the contrary, it was a great honor for me to be received by the leader of the number one sect of this Indigo Cloud City.”

Leng San cupped his hands as a response, secretly amused by the whole setup. The leader of the Fire Fortress Sect had personally come out to welcome his enemy.

“Hahaha, master Li Mu, that’s not true at all. The Xiaolin Sect and the Soaring Sword Sect are more fit as the number one sect of this city.”

“I don’t think so. I believe that your sect is the most suitable to be called the number one sect. Even your reception room is fully decorated with luxurious gems. So, being called the number one sect isn’t an exaggeration at all.”

“Hahaha, master Li Mu, you’ve praised us too much. So, what brings you to our sect? Is there any business you need help with, or do you wish to sell all your divine medicines exclusively to the Fire Fortress Sect? I will gladly accept your proposal if that’s the case,” Su Songyu smiled.

‘What a shrewd old man. He immediately changed the topic to start a negotiation. Good!! I will definitely do some business with you.’

Leng San thought in his mind and said...

“Oh... that would not be possible as I’ve made a trade agreement with the representative of the merchants association within the city already. I’ve just settled down in this city, so I hope that master Su will understand my situation.”

“So that’s how it is. I am sorry for making you feel uncomfortable,” Su Songyu faked a laugh to conceal the fact that he already knew about it.

Leng San’s facial expression became stern to get to the point.

“I’ve heard that your younger brother had been injured last year, which resulted in him losing a leg and an arm. Is that correct?”

The smile on Su Songyu’s face disappeared after hearing what Leng San had to say. This was a very delicate issue for the old man, as Su Zhao was his younger brother. Su Zhao had lost his will to live as he was the former elder of the Fire Fortress Sect, whom the entire city paid respect to. But he turned into a laughing stock within one night by the hands of a particular young boy. The old man tried to commit suicide numerous times, but luckily, he was rescued in time every time it happened. As a result, someone must stay beside him around the clock.

“It’s as you’ve said. Why did you bring up this topic?”

“Master Su, I will be straight to the point. Several years ago, I ventured into a thousand-year-old ancient tomb and found a runic weapon. This runic weapon could act as a replacement leg, enabling someone who had lost their leg the ability to walk like a normal person without a cane.”

Astounded, Su Songyu stood up after hearing Leng San.

“ said that you’ve found a runic weapon that can act as a replacement leg?”


Leng San activated his dimensional ring. The boy brought his dimensional ring everywhere he went in order to not appear suspicious when he opened his dimensional storage. He then pulled out a prosthetic leg he created and placed it in front of Su Songyu.

“This runic weapon is called the Divine Leg. It was created from an adamantite. A normal weapon wouldn’t be able to destroy it. The rune inscribed on the leg is extremely mysterious. It isn’t one of the seven types of runes we’ve seen these days. It is a legendary rune that hasn’t been discovered. Its key feature is its high flexibility, despite being a metal, that can bend according to the owner’s will as if it’s their very own flesh and muscles.”

Su Songyu’s body trembled. This was a rune that had never been discovered before. The feeling of excitement triggered the appearance of goosebumps on the old man’s body.

“So, you wanted to sell this leg to me, am I right? I am glad to buy it, even if it costs ten or twenty million gold coins. Please quote the price!!”

Leng San subtly smiled, but quickly changed to a stern expression to not appear suspicious.

“Master Su, this Divine Leg has been reserved by a governor of a big city, whom I couldn’t speak his name because of our trade agreement. But that governor, suddenly, has extended the transaction date about two to three times already. Hence that could be used as an excuse to sell the leg to other customers if you could beat the price that the governor proposed…” Leng San squinted his eyes.

“Please tell me the price quoted by that party,” Su Songyu was confident in his sect’s financial capabilities.

“Two hundred million gold coins!!”