Tournament Representative

“What kind of rune are you going to use on these gears?” Freya asked in excitement.

“ mean these runes? They are augmentative. Basically, they will push my abilities to their limits. At least it would increase the probability of my survival if I had to confront an opponent that is a lot stronger than me,” Leng San’s corners of his mouth were slightly tugged upwards.


“Yes, for the vambraces, they will increase the circulation of qi which will lessen the burden of the meridians in my body when I use the Ocean-Shifting Dragon technique.

For the body armor, it can act as a qi reserve. I can use the Ocean-Shifting Dragon technique to transfer incoming qi to the armor, so I’ll be able to bring out the qi to use during fights. With green rune, I can only store a hundred percent of green qi and not more. But the good thing is, after each fight, I could bring out the stored qi to use it to enhance the level of my qi via the Dragon Meridian technique.

These greaves can be ignited with qi to create an explosion. They will massively boost my jumping power when I need to escape. With these runic gears, even if I were ganged up on by tens of people, they will slightly raise the probability of me winning, and massively raise my chance of escape by several folds and I will get stronger every fight!!”

Leng San fisted proudly. He became a lot more confident with his skills and the runic gears equipped, even if he were to be surrounded by the entire Fire Fortress Sect. The only two members of the sect that he worried about were the leader of the sect, Su Songyu with level three yellow qi, and the former leader of the sect, Su Balong, whose qi was the ninth level of the yellow stage. The rest of the seven elders did not bother him.

“In ten days, this year’s youth tournament will be held. I will use this opportunity to embarrass the Fire Fortress Sect, slightly,” Leng San smirked with a look of a monster.

During the night, Leng San stealthily entered the residence of the Soaring Sword Sect. This time he morphed his face into a young man aged around eighteen instead of Li Mu. Soaring Sword Sect was a large organization in the city, though its security wasn’t tight as it did not have any enemies. Furthermore, no one in the Indigo Cloud City would dare to step into the territory of one of the top three clans. Through the concealment of energy and the lightness of his movement, entering the residence was easy for Leng San.

Leng San reached the center of the training grounds that was close to the place he stayed last time. He then released his dragon’s fire qi for about three breaths and concealed the energy again. Ten breaths later, two people, an old man, and a middle-aged man, instantly appeared in front of Leng San.

The old man was Yi Longtian, who saved Leng San’s life one year ago. For the middle-aged man, who had a majestic build and wore a long green attire, this was the first time that Leng San saw him. But Leng San could guess that this person was the current leader of the Soaring Sword Sect, Yi Longhu, whose qi was at the fifth level of the yellow stage.

“Who are you and why did you enter our residence in the middle of the night?”

Yi Longhu furrowed his brows as he asked Leng San. The energy that the man sensed earlier was a very powerful fire qi which was superior even to the members of the Fire Fortress Sect. Moreover, the user was able to conceal their energy completely and abruptly to the point that this individual might be mistaken as a normal person without qi. If Yi Longhu came out a bit later, he might believe that this was a different person.

Yi Longtian was able to connect the dots after a while and walked over to tap on his son’s shoulder with a thin smile while looking at Leng San.

“You’re Leng San, right? That fire qi was a confirmation of your identity. The same qi I sensed last year.”

Leng San smiled with the corner of his mouth, cupped his hands, and bowed respectfully.

“Elder Yi Long, you’re correct, I am Leng San. I wanted to meet you personally, but I did not expect the leader, Master Yi Longhu, would follow you here.”

“ son came to consult me about the candidates for the tournament, so he sensed your fire qi as well.”

Yi Longhu gave out a little sigh. He was quite familiar with Leng San’s reputation since last year. He also heard from his father that this boy was a member of the Leng clan. But last year he went on a business trip to another city, thus he did not have a chance to meet Leng San.

Leng San used his qi to morph the muscles on his face. Yi Longtian and Yi Longhu were amazed by what they were seeing. The boy’s face started to distort, his cheekbones shrank, the bridge of his nose slowly appeared, his eyes got smaller until he returned to his original appearance.

Yi Longtian smirked and nodded.

“I did not expect that you would be able to develop the metamorphosis technique to this level. You can change your whole appearance. Even my daughter, who was considered a prodigy, could only alter some muscles of her body.”

Leng San cupped his hands and bowed to demonstrate his humility. The boy then went straight to business as he was afraid someone might see them having a conversation.

“I am sorry for intruding into the premises. But I have a request for the both of you, Elder Yi Longtian and Elder Yi Longhu.”

Yi Longtian stroked his beard and softly chuckled.

“Hoho... the brave one who declared to take on the Fire Fortress Sect alone. What kind of help do you need?”

It sounded sarcastic, but the old man’s face was beaming as he looked at Leng San with great endearments, like his own nephew. Leng San grinned and said.

“I have a plan to deal a minor blow to the Fire Fortress Sect’s reputation at the tournament. So, I want to humbly ask for your permission to join the tournament as one of the three representatives of the Soaring Sword Sect. I will completely morph my appearance so there will be no conflict between your sect and the Fire Fortress Sect.”

Yi Longtian slightly nodded, but Yi Longhu frowned and said.

“Taking part in the tournament as a representative of our sect means that the result of the competition will equal to the sect’s reputation in that particular year. I, of course, do not have any objections if you want to represent our sect, but you do not know any of our sect’s techniques and I don't even know the level of your qi. If your qi was still at the paltry violet stage like last year, wouldn’t my sect be an object of ridicule?”

Leng San grinned and disseminated all of his concealed qi!! A blue aura enveloped the boy’s body in an instance.

Yi Longtian’s irises dilated, and Yi Longhu’s eyes almost popped out. Even both of them whose qi was at the yellow stage felt suffocated by Leng San’s overwhelming energy.

“I am sixteen years old this year. My qi is at the third level of the blue stage. I hope that this would be enough for me to pass as a representative of your sect. For the techniques of the Soaring Sword Sect, please allow me to learn the techniques within ten days.”

Leng San’s eyes shone with confidence. The two men trembled in excitement. It took only one year for this prodigy to cultivate his qi from the violet stage to the highest point of the low-level blue stage!!

“Marvelous... marvelous, you were able to cultivate your qi to this level at such a young age. You’ve turned my daughter, who was named the number one prodigy, into a normal girl.”

Yi Longhu’s face beamed. Achieving the blue stage at such a young age was a very rare occurrence. Allowing him to participate as a representative of the Soaring Sword Sect would only bring them fame.

“But young man, how are you going to learn the techniques of our Soaring Sword Sect within ten days? You might not even complete the basics.”

“Elder, I will use only the techniques of the sect that I was able to master in the tournament. I promise that I will never use techniques of my own or of the other sects, even if I have to lose.”

“Hmm... if you could at least promise me that, my mind would be at ease. But with your qi, you could easily qualify to the quarterfinals.”

“Thank you, elder, for having your trust in me. I will not let the both of you down.”

Leng San cupped his hands and bowed as a sign of gratitude. Yi Longtian walked to Leng San and placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder to signal that he could stop bowing.

“I will have my niece, Yi Longwang, teach you one-on-one. She had mastered every technique of the sect and was able to understand them even better than her instructors. This will also help in keeping your identity hidden.”

“Thank you, elder.”

“It’s very late now. Let’s start practicing tomorrow. I will let you rest in the room you’ve stayed in last time if that isn’t too small for you.”

“Not at all. It might be a bit too big for this young one,” Leng San smiled softly.

The next morning, Yi Longwang knocked on Leng San’s door.

“Please come in.”

Leng San’s voice sounded from the room. As Yi Longwang pushed the door open, her face suddenly turned red. Panicked, she quickly closed the door.

“You!! W... why didn’t you dress up first?” The girl’s voice shook as she saw Leng San ogling at her, shirtless.

“I just washed my face. And you came in by yourself.”

“And why did you tell me to come in!!”

“Ah, I forgot, guys usually aren’t embarrassed about this kind of thing. Hahaha.”

Leng San laughed as he was pleased to come back to tease her more. In reality, with the money he had, he could bribe any sect to allow him to take part as a representative within the city, but he chose the Soaring Sword Sect because he wanted to be close to Yi Longwang.

“Hmph!! Dress up properly. I will wait for you outside. We have only nine days left for you to learn our techniques.”

“Please wait a second, my lady. You’re the first voice I wanted to hear since I’ve arrived in the city. But you’re acting so cold to me. What an unlucky person I am.”

“You!! Hmph!! Stop spouting nonsense and quickly dress up.”

Despite pretending to be cold towards Leng San, the girl was standing in front of the door, smiling with her face bright red...